Joe Biden’s Brother James Now Under Federal Investigation – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Brother James Now Under Federal Investigation

WeLoveTrump: I don’t envy anybody with the last name Biden right now.

Chances are, you’re under investigation if you have that name.

Add James Biden to the list of Biden family members under federal investigation.

James Biden is under investigation by the US Attorney General in the Western District of Pennsylvania for his role in a healthcare firm that is now bankrupt.

Joe Biden can’t keep dodging the truth.

It’s only a matter of time before he’s the next Biden being investigated. more

9 Comments on Joe Biden’s Brother James Now Under Federal Investigation

  1. The FBI sat on all this while Joe ran, won the primary and they probably were in on the election fraud. Looks like someone wanted a that loser to win to lose.
    And Harris? She can be easily manipulated.

  2. Barr is such a fraud. He’s going after Joe and family now so he can look like he’s rendering unbiased legal actions but the fact is he’s doing exactly what the dems want to get Joe out of the way.

  3. I read today that Maxine Waters’ daughter received $250,000 from her mother’s campaign. Waters and her family have improved their standard of living considerably while the district that she claims to represent seems to have gone downhill. Then again, as her opponent in the recent election pointed out, Waters doesn’t live in that district. She is comfortably ensconced in a mansion in a far more upscale neighborhood.

  4. Too bad Trump can’t get Biden to concede and publicly verify the fraud in return for a pardon for the Biden crime family syndicate. The Biden’s are squeezed, they had to know their team of vipers was going to use all their corruption against them.


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