Joe Biden’s Brother Scored Generous Loans During Banking Committee Tenure – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Brother Scored Generous Loans During Banking Committee Tenure


Joe Biden’s younger brother James received a series of “unusually generous” bank loans during the 1970s, while the former vice president served on the Senate Banking Committee.

Politico reported on Friday that James Biden, who has a history of murky financial dealings, was able to parlay his role as the chief fundraiser for his brother’s 1972 Senate run into the startup capital required to open a nightclub.

The loans were considered “unusually generous” given that the younger Biden was a salesman without any business experience and purportedly had a net worth of less than $10,000 at the outset of the venture in 1973. Another key component of the story, which was widely covered by local media in Delaware and Pennsylvania at the time, is that the loans appeared to draw concerns over influence peddling, as Joe Biden had just been appointed to the Senate Banking Committee.

“No sooner was freshman lawmaker Joe Biden seated on the Senate Banking Committee,” Politico reported, “than James became the beneficiary of business loans that were described … as unusually generous because of the relatively large amount of money he was able to borrow with little or no collateral and a lack of relevant prior experience.” more here

5 Comments on Joe Biden’s Brother Scored Generous Loans During Banking Committee Tenure

  1. …huh. Political corruption gets goodies for a politicans family member, particularly a Democrat politician. Whoda thunk it.

    In other news, has anyone checked if water is still wet, or if fire is hot?

    …because the water and fire stand about the same chance of any punishment as the Democrat does…

  2. Everybody in Congress does this kind of thing.
    THAT’S why politicians go into politics – all that “serve the public” is just so much bullshit – they “serve” themselves and their cronies.
    How else can someone who makes $174,000 per year (which ain’t chicken feed) amass a multi-million dollar fortune in under 10 years? Butter-and-egg savings?
    Get serious.

    Obola left his Senate seat worth about $250,000 and, eight years later, was worth $40 Million! Savvy investing?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Was he a Coke Head like Biden’s son?

    If Biden in the nominee, then Trump will find all the scummy deals & make them public with tweets, speeches in front of 100,000 people, & question periods in front of Marine 1.

    Look at how exposed the 4 whores of the Democrat party.


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