Joe Biden’s Daughter Steps in to Save Him After He Loses It on a Reporter – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Daughter Steps in to Save Him After He Loses It on a Reporter


Joe Biden is currently enjoying another vacation after spending the weekend in Delaware. That the country is experiencing its highest inflation yet under his tenure and that things are generally not good domestically and abroad doesn’t even seem to compute. The old man is enjoying himself on your dime, and he doesn’t care how that affects you.

Still, every now and then, a reporter will get close enough to Biden to ask him a question. That happened on Monday when one such reporter made the mistake of asking the president about the fact that many economists are predicting a coming recession following last quarter’s negative growth. Instead of answering the question, Biden snapped — something he’s been prone to do the last several years. more

17 Comments on Joe Biden’s Daughter Steps in to Save Him After He Loses It on a Reporter

  1. She’s starting to look like Bruce Jenner.
    I don’t believe that old Joey Shit-Pants could get it up, even for her.
    One of his staffers will pony up a toddler for him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s certainly heart warming to see Ashley Biden stepping up to save Dementia Joey from exposing himself as being too incompetent to handle a few gentle questions from his friends in the Ministry of Propaganda. Daddy PaPa has to be protected until he can issue those PaPa Pardons.

  3. “Too bad someone didn’t step in to save Ashley when it mattered.”

    Ashley was a sacrifice.
    Or Collateral Damage.
    A Pawn in Pedo Joe’s narcissistic delusion.
    Another of Pedo Joe’s cumsocks – same as Hunter – same as his first wife – same as all the countless little girls offered by parents who needed political favors.

    Moloch’s got nothing on Pedo Joe.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Hmmm seeking mental help due to showering with her father, and being in a mentally ill State, daughter wants to go back for more. We are living in sicko times. I know for a fact that mental illness cannot be cured…..

  5. “Joe Biden is currently enjoying another vacation after spending the weekend in Delaware.”

    The problem is… he’s always on vacation from reality. No matter where he is physically.


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