Joe Biden’s mental decline sadly evident twice yesterday – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s mental decline sadly evident twice yesterday

American Thinker:
By Thomas Lifson

How will Joe Biden be able to handle presidential debates?  Or campaigning beyond his basement?   

I almost hate to point this out because I do have compassion for anyone facing the mental challenges of aging.  But the Oval Office is no place for someone needing compassion for his mental deterioration (or any job-related disability).  Keep Joe Biden feeding the geese at his lavish estate in Delaware, and I will gush with sympathy and maybe even share with him my own bouts with aging.

But stay away from seeking a job for which you lack the capacity, Joe!  Age with grace!  As the second-most famous line uttered in the Dirty Harry series of movies points out, “a man’s got to know his limitations.”

Two brief video clips illustrate the difficulty Joe has with remaining coherent.  Here, despite repeatedly looking down to his notes, he repeats the same basic point three times within 45 seconds, as if there are no thoughts resident in his brain beyond the single talking point written down:

24 Comments on Joe Biden’s mental decline sadly evident twice yesterday

  1. Sorry, but I have no sympathy for him. He sexually assaults woman and girls and gets away with it. If that was a conservative they would be totally destroyed and would never gotten as far as he has. I save my sympathy for someone who deserves it.

  2. The fact is that the Democrat Party leadership is chock full of mentally incapacitated bitter old people that have a complete disregard for the decent law abiding citizens of the country.
    And behind them is a cadre of bitter young people that go beyond a disregard to a hatred for the citizenry.
    Yes, Biden suffers from increasing dementia.
    The fact he was still that Party’s best choice is an indictment of the leadership and philosophy within their whole party.

  3. Jackass Joe hasn’t had the mental capacity for being President since Johnny Carson ripped him a new one in 1987 for being a corrupt plagiarist and an overall lying sack of shit since his college days! Imagine how less capable he is today!!! He’s walking proof that whoever the democRATz put up for a candidate might as well be Mickey Mouse in a suit! Their party just wants the power and will do whatever it takes to overthrow Donald Trump and the rule of law and order! The candidate is immaterial!

  4. ^^^^^^good question there. Many of my democrat aquaintances simply do not appear to notice or believe these are all “doctored” videos………. great right wing conspiracy and all that.

  5. “Do the kind of people that vote for him notice?”

    The DNC could nominate and run a filthy, homeless derelict and they’d vote for him because ORANGE MAN BAD and is literally a Nazi or maybe even a double Nazi.

  6. This transparent abuse could all end if the pseudoDR. Jill, Woopi’s favorite, would just give up her lifelong dream of being in the White House. She will never be First Lady, but could become First Nurse.

  7. Dementia Joe is the Mausoleum Candidate. He’s for Black Lives no matter what. He’s for women and girls and sugar and spice and you know the rest. He doesn’t have to remember anything he doesn’t have to remember and you know the rest of the time he’s just thinking about whatever. He’s the most skilled teleprompter reader since Ronald Redford. Years ago he had to plagiarize a few things when he was running for things. Now, the media people help him remember the things he’s going to say when they ask him questions, because his teleprompter knows all those answers anyway. Yes, he’s a bit slower around the hairline these days, but who is counting hair plugs anyhow. I could go on. But you know the rest….. See you in Minneapolis for the Full Catastrophe Convention in 71 days! Dr. Jill says that it’s nappy time, so no more for now….

  8. If they pull this off with Joe, it’s over. I don’t think they can. That being said-
    Facts and reason mean nothing to the left, they’re devoid of critical thinking skills. It’s only a talking contest and owning the narrative.
    They are happy to burn everything down, then complain that there isn’t any businesses
    around so we most pay to rebuild them. And want to know why the police won’t protect them when the mob turns on them.

  9. “The DNC could nominate and run a filthy, homeless derelict and they’d vote for him because ORANGE MAN BAD and is literally a Nazi or maybe even a double Nazi.”

    I think the Democrats would run an actual Nazi against Trump if he or she could win. It would not be too far fetched given where the Democrat party is now and where it appears to be headed.

  10. His mind has atrophied because of the lies he has embraced and advanced his entire life. This is God’s justice at work. Although he serves as a warning to others of his ilk they will not head. Witness the asylum of the riots, antifa, etc.

  11. Growing old kinda sucks but at the same time i like it.
    You get to laugh at yourself.
    Went to the ATM the other day to take out some money so i could shop.
    Stuck in my card and punched in the numbers.
    Transaction declined.
    Check my wallet to make sure i have the right card.
    Try again-Transaction declined.
    Storm away from ATM figuring my account had been hacked.
    Nano seconds later i realized i was using my credit card not my bank card.
    Some times you have to laugh at yourself.

  12. We need a President with a fully functioning brain, the job requires that as a minimum. On his best day,
    Joe didn’t have what it takes to be President. Now he falls way short of the mark.

  13. Never forget his absolute corruption though. His dealings its China, Russia, and Iran demonstrate he is an enemy of the United States. His plagiarism proves his lack of integrity. His incessant creepiness with young girls should unnerve normal people (but pervert Democrats do not care).

    These alone demand that this POS never holds any power in a decent world. Throw in his dementia and his socialist / leftist / progressive ideology and he is an imminent and existential threat to the United States.

    Only undiscerning FOOLS and scum would vote for this waste of human skin.

  14. If it ends up Biden Versus Trump. I will watch at least the first debate. President Trump should be able to kick his ass very easily. Provided that the Moderators are not in BIDENS back pocket. The Trump team needs to make sure Biden does NOT have the questions in advance and that he has NO notes and NO earpieces Camouflaged as hearing aids.

  15. It was a good thing that Don Cheadle had to sit there, stonefaced and humiliated, while forced to listen to Greezy Joe’s shit-dribble. He looked like an Easter Island statue.

    Cheadle is a hyperpartisan lying Democrat leftist. Everything conservatives do is wrong. Everything the Democrat Party does is right. Well, tough shit Cheadle. Your side has brought our country to this point.

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