Joe Biden’s Niece Avoids Jail Time For DUI After Striking Deal with District Attorney – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Niece Avoids Jail Time For DUI After Striking Deal with District Attorney

…Caroline Biden in 2017 avoided jail time after a $100,000 credit card scam.

Gateway Pundit: Must be nice to have Biden privilege.

Joe Biden’s niece Caroline Biden, avoided jail time for a DUI conviction after striking a deal with the Montgomery County District Attorney.

Caroline Biden got 6 months of probation plus 20 days of rehab which will count toward her sentence.

“She will be on probation … Should she then violate or break the law at any time, then she will be on the hook for the rest of the sentence,” Kate Delano, a DA spokeswoman, told The New York Post.

Caroline Biden, the 33-year-old daughter of Joe’s slimy brother James Biden, slammed into a tree in Pennsylvania in August of 2019. more

15 Comments on Joe Biden’s Niece Avoids Jail Time For DUI After Striking Deal with District Attorney

  1. ^^^^ Another username that is a link to somewhere unknown and probably dangerous, be careful about clicking it without a high degree of security on your computer.

    Took care of it. Thanks.

  2. As 2 Presidents named George have said many times the last 30 year, “Laws are for little people!”!
    Anyone connected to the UNIPARTY is NOT A LITTLE PEOPLE!

    Ask GWB’s girl Lois!

  3. …There’s a pic of her in a NY Post article wearing a schoolgirl type skirt.

    …must be on her way to go “thank” The Big Pervy Incestous Pedophile Guy for springing her, seems to be something of a fetish of his when it comes to, eh, “Family Relations”, as you can see in this picture where he kisses HIS GRANDDAUGHTER on the LIPS while she raises HER schoolgirl skirt like it’s a long-term habit for some reason…

    …and that’s NOT a fluke, BTW…,crop:x800,quality:90×75/images/f15be2d0a2df0af7e90eb12de209201afe16dad9d5a02e7042af8a65fe27b52f_3.jpg

    …so yeah, the Biden females get a pass on some things.

    …But the price for it is REALLY pretty high, so it seems…

  4. Make absolutely no mistake about it, the entire Biden clan, as well as the Democrats and damn near all of the Republicans in Washington DC get their rocks off when things go down this way. It is another opportunity for them to have a good laugh about demonstrating to the masses how none of this applies to them.

    And again:

    But wait. It gets worse.

    When DNs are confident that they have enough power, be it over a small group of people (family members, co-workers, social circle, cult), or on a macro scale, such as in a government, large corporation, or The Church, they will become progressively more bold and VISIBLE in their crimes in order to generate ever-higher amounts of diabolical narcissistic satisfaction.

    Now here is where it gets interesting. For DNs, the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction. No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

    Having planned and fantasized about his malevolent actions, the DN will watch and study those around him in the aftermath. Every instance of “looking the other way” the DN sees gives him an even more intense rush, because to look away from his crimes is to capitulate and submit to him – an even more complete capitulation than the actual victim. Every lie that a sycophant tells to cover for the DN is a rush. Every groveling justification made on the DNs behalf for the DNs unjustifiable, or even criminal behavior, is like the rush of a drug – and far more psycho-spiritually potent than the initial act itself.


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