Joe Biden’s open border is now the world’s ‘deadliest’ land crossing – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s open border is now the world’s ‘deadliest’ land crossing

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

When you think of the world’s “deadliest land crossing,” what springs to mind?

Perhaps the Stalag-like border around North Korea? The jungly narcoguerrilla-infested Colombia-Venezuela border? Perhaps the swampy predator-infested Colombia-Panama Darien Gap? Maybe the Israel-Gaza line? Some nightmare crossing full of child soldiers around the Central African Republic? The Afghanistan-Pakistan land crossing? There are a lot of hellholes out there that make good candidates.

But according to a United Nations agency, looking at the objective numbers, the honor goes to Joe Biden and his open border — now the world’s deadliest land crossing.

According to the Epoch Times:

The U.S.-Mexico border has become the world’s “deadliest” land crossing, according to data recently brought to light by a United Nations study.

A historic high of 728 recorded immigrant deaths and disappearances along the U.S.-Mexico border crossing in 2021 has made the land crossing the deadliest in the world, according to the study conducted by the United Nations agency, the International Organization for Migration (IOM). more

15 Comments on Joe Biden’s open border is now the world’s ‘deadliest’ land crossing

  1. Would be even more deadly, for maybe 6 months, if you let regular citizens defend it.

    Then it would dramatically drop after that point.

    Night vision and infrared scopes. Open season on coyotes. Varmints don’t need a permit.

    Let it happen.

  2. Different Tim JULY 6, 2022 AT 6:10 PM

    We’re number one!
    Why do I feel like two?

    Has to be said…

    That’s a shi**y attitude…


  3. @Cheryl –
    “…Does this guy or his handlers care about anything or anyone but the almighty dollar?…”

    I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that that was a rhetorical question. The answer is too obvious.

  4. Yup! Joe Biden is the most deadliest president for the American People, and the world…I thought he was on Our side, like most of Our other Presidents…sure fooled me.

    The American People are coming after you, Joe. Better wake up before it’s too late.

  5. Crossing the desert in 100+ degree heat, with few supplies and no water, is either an act of desperation, stupidity, or were made promises of freebies to cross the border.
    at any rate, sucks to be them.

  6. @Cmn¢¢guy:

    The Democrats expect to build a power base with the new “immigrants.” The Republicans want cheap labor. Neither of them care much about what happens to the American people.


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