Joe Biden’s Racism Problem – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Racism Problem

RNC Research (Via Jewels Jones)

18 Comments on Joe Biden’s Racism Problem

  1. Unfortunately, very few people who need to see this will allow themselves to watch it.

    Most people choose to ignore reality as it would mean their entire belief system is based on lies, promotes hate, and shifts the world’s wealth from those who produce to those who rule.

  2. It took three tries to put Biden in the White House, but he finally managed to get past his own stupidity and racism. You might compare Joe Biden to an old Tupperware container long forgotten in the back of a refrigerator. If you just wait long enough, someone will eventually come along, take a sniff, and think it’s ok to eat. But it doesn’t take very long to find out what a mistake that was.

  3. A redneck white supremacist “cracker” calling Biden racist. Don’t quote me on this but I think thats called projection. Maybe we should ask his clan buddies for their thoughts on this.

  4. Is Joe Biden racist?
    Does a Hobby Horse have a hickory dick??
    When his best buddy for over 30 years in the Senate was a Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan who once said “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side” I’d say there juuuuuuuust might be some racism involved!

  5. When joey tried hosing Clarence Thomas’s nomination to the Supreme Court 30 + years ago in the early 90’s that should’ve been proof positive that he is a racist. That and his filthy relationship with KKK Byrd and being on the same side as Teddy Kennedy and his plagiarism of other people’s ideas and thoughts should’ve condemned him from ever becoming President.

  6. You mean grifter Uncle Tom & his shitstain wife GinnyB? Just a another fine proud set of pedo republicon grifters fucking America with every vote this grifter makes. Hopefully he will die soon.

  7. I believe the Democrats have every right to be upset with black voters, who are starting to leave the Democrat plantation in increasing numbers. When LBJ, then President and leader of the party of the KKK (i.e. Democrats), signed the Civil Rights Act (passed by Republicans), he promised that the Democrats would own blacks for 200 years. But…it’s only been about 60 years – 140 years short. C’mon black folk; you owe the Democrats more than a century of unquestioned support or else you would be exposing LBJ as a liar.

    On the other hand, Democrat leadership has done a lot for blacks. For example, the war on poverty has been an outstanding success and has wiped out poverty in black neighborhoods…wait, that hasn’t happened? How about preserving the family? No? Crime in urban black neighborhoods? Again, no? Rising educational standards for black folks? Drugs and gangs? Teen pregnancy and unwed mothers? Ending racism with the Democrat policy of class warfare and an all around policy of pitting groups against each other? Unfettered immigration? No, no, no, no and no?

    Ah, but the abortion advocacy has been an outstanding success in the black community, with blacks having the highest percentage of abortions. Thanks Democrats – Margaret Sanger would be proud.

    At some point, the old saying that idiocy is trying the same thing over and over while expecting a different result should kick in. America is still a (relatively) free country, and I would recommend trying something different – like voting for conservative candidates regardless of race – to see if things get better. If it doesn’t work, you can always return to voting Democrat.

  8. Democrats have always held out toilet paper to black people with the one hand while soon feeding them feces with the other…when ever I remember tat shitbird Sen. Bryd (met him twice in real life) I always remember my mother quoting Rush (“Sheets”)

  9. Evil bastard in an evil political party that stole the presidential election (with a LOT of help from republicans) from the rightful winner. To hell with delaware for keeping that moronic racist pig perpetually in office.


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