Joe Biden’s running mate will have to defend the indefensible – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s running mate will have to defend the indefensible

Can you imagine? Joe’s veep would have to carry his baggage as well as his/her own- and hope the zippers don’t burst open.

American Thinker: By Anna L. Stark.
Once Joe Biden emerges from his basement bunker as the presumptive Democrat party presidential nominee by default, he’s expected to name his vice presidential running mate.  He’s promised to choose a woman but has provided no clue as to whom he will tap to carry his water for the next six months.  One thing is for certain: she will be tasked to defend and run interference for a man exhibiting serious mental decline issues, a man who has been accused of sexual impropriety by a former female Senate staffer, and a man whose checkered career in politics is guaranteed to be fodder for President Trump.

Prior to the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown and before sequestering himself in his Delaware home, Joe Biden’s questionable behavior in public was already raising eyebrows.  Multiple incidents plagued his performance on the campaign trail, ranging from sudden bouts of anger and insulting audience members at campaign rallies to licking his wife’s fingers while she spoke at a campaign event.  His oftentimes awkward television interviews, coupled with an obvious inability to string together a coherent sentence, has left even the most casual observer wondering what’s wrong with Joe. more

16 Comments on Joe Biden’s running mate will have to defend the indefensible

  1. Only one is qualified: Stacey ‘Tank’ Abrams. If she’s delusional enough to think she won the Gov election in Georgia she’ll believe anything. It also lets Joe gt his jungle fever on when they’re alone.

  2. Not if he’s officially incapacitated … then he disappears from all media coverage “out of respect for the family” and any criticism is immediately dismissed as perverse and ghoulish.

  3. Well, if it’s Hillary she will have had decades of experience deflecting, lying and arkanciding accusers and non-believers in Joe (just like Billy-boy). Plus a HUGE cash flow to support her process. And Joe would be out in 2 weeks due to sudden onset alzheimers.

  4. I keep saying it…Jill, his own wife, is the only ‘running mate will have to defend the indefensible’.

    Maybe not, but who else, female only, could prop him up and kept going?? And still not appear to be a self serving conniving bitch? Who?

  5. He lied that the driver was drunk in the fatal accident that took his first wife and daughter. Later he plagiarized, and gave pallets of cash to the terrorist Iranians questing for nukes. He got a prosecutor fired to avoid Hunter being investigated for corruption and bragged about it. Ties to communist China and his whole family is rich despite being in “public service” for nearly a half century. He did the useless AWB and GFZ in schools that made them into soft targets so he has school shooting blood on his hands. Now we have multiple and credible sexual assault complaints plus creepy public behavior and the coup de grace is his dementia.

    Joe Biden is a corrupt, lying, vile, perverted, demented POS. You like him? Get the Hell out of MY country!

  6. Aaaaaaaannnnnnnd on top of all that the Veep will have to explain Jackass Joe’s unintelligible ramblings:
    “Ya know…When I was a kid back in Scranton a wheel fell off my canoe which made me wonder how many pancakes could fit in a doghouse. Did you know that the color green added to carrots and pancakes equals Thursday?”
    Jackass Joe is a grinning imbecile with the mental agility of Karl Childers who swaggers around like the arrogant assistant manager of a used car lot with the personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled Winnebago man! Needless to say, he can’t be trusted with a burnt out match much less the nuclear codes for God’s sake! His whole family is stone-cold crooked! Putting him in the White House would be giving them (the family + the democRAT party) license to rob the country blind and take us into 1,000 years of darkness!

  7. I agree with PHenry. The Dems know they are going to lose, so they don’t want a possible top-tier candidate to lose as VP. He won’t pick Kamala Harris because they want her near the top of the ticket someday.

  8. The way the Dementiacrat Party and the MSDM ignore Joe Obiden Bama’s obvious mental decline and all of his family history of corruption and political hackery have bought them to this sorry state. The American media have pretended that Dementia Joe is honest and competent, while assailing everything President Trump has done. Millions of voters have bought this line of propaganda, because it’s what they were raised to believe. Half the population believes that Trump was elected because the Russians helped his campaign steal the election and that the Mueller Report proved it. They know that Justice Brett Kavanaugh is guilty of sexual assault, because some woman came forward without a single corroborating witness; but think Joe Biden is innocent because his accuser’s corroborating witnesses are lying. They believe that the government is supposed to fix every problem in the country and that more socialism is the solution. Now, the MSDM and the Dementiacrat Party have backed themselves into a corner. They deserve the embarrassment that Dementia Joe is going to bring them during the next six months. It doesn’t matter which woman he selects to be his running mate, the focus is going to increasingly be on him and his sexual assault charges.


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