WaExaminer: Immediately following the first presidential debate my impression was that former vice president Joe Biden came out on top, just by dint of low expectations for his performance. But after seeing the way Democrats and liberals in the media have reacted, I suspect they’re not quite as confident.
It looks like they might actually believe that Biden’s passable showing was a fluke. They’re less than sure he can do it again.
The Commission on Presidential Debates, which sponsors the events, announced Wednesday it was considering changes to the format of the future debates “to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues.” It was an apparent reaction to the constant interrupting that took place during the first debate (about three-quarters of which could have been eliminated by cutting Chris Wallace’s mic).
New York Times liberal columnist Frank Bruni wrote Thursday that no format changes were necessary, and that further debates between the two candidates should be canceled quicker than a Hollywood celebrity donating to a Christian church. more

He can’t handle his own Dick.
His handlers probably feel pretty lucky he got through the first debate without a catastrophe. It’s hard to imagine they’re looking forward to another roll of the dice.
Kcir – (Trudeau, prime minister blackface 3 times) OCTOBER 1, 2020 AT 5:53 PM
He can’t handle his own Dick.
He can’t find it until he has the wet spot in his depends for a clue.
Ties a string to it?
Cuts hairs till one bleeds?
Etc., etc…
He cannot pretend that he is presidential material, at the presidential debate he was more wired than the White House Christmas tree. He proved himself to be the biggest loser.
When your hot water tank heater is leaking it ain’t gonna fix itself….
h/t all plumber guys ever
He didn’t handle the debate. That is what they are actually admitting. Trump went in with an agenda and he accomplished it, tie Biden to the left or make him untie himself from them.
Forget Biden for a second. He’s nothing but a worn out mix tape. The main problem for Biden’s handlers is finding moderators who can handle the hate from the left after they fail miserably to prop up Biden and simultaneously muzzle Trump, while dealing with secret microphone instructions to Joe which they can’t hear.. It’s not humanly possible.
Fortunately for the Dems and Trump, there is no shortage of arrogant morons who think they are up to the task. Bring the next redshirt through the revolving door…I pity the fool and his inbred elite pedigree.
It’s all a shit show and it will all come down to the massive voter fraud that will overcome the will and the voice of the people.
They changed the rules (mail-in voting) to buy time to cheat and overcome the real vote.
Think: Donald J. Trump is not a politician — his skill-set (to use this trite expression) usually ain’t pretty.
As the boss and the one with the most oomph in any discussion he can’t stand being interrupted — it ain’t pretty it ‘s just Trump being Trump.
Why would I want President Trump to act like a politician when I vote for him because he’s not a politician ? And smarmy slippery slop-pey Joe is.
Look over here – it’s Biden flailin’ and failin’.
Don’t look over there – the donkeys are manufacturing voter fraud.
It’s a typical magician’s trick – distract the audience with the big right hand flourish while the unseen left hand does all of the work.
I don’t think the debates did anything for the people who are undecided and don’t follow politics, substance wise. Your average person who might have tuned into the debate for 10-15 minutes that doesn’t know anything about Proud Boys, critical race theory, Biden’s son, etc,etc. saw a frail old bumbling man who clearly isn’t presidential material and then saw Trump who is strong and perfectly capable of doing the job. We need more debates just like the first to solidify the clear choice for the average working American who doesn’t have time to follow politics on the internet or the freakshows on TeeVee.
Wednesday, they were able to goad Trump and make him a little testy. They know that they won’t be able to do that again.
My Petey B could easily handle two more debates the same way he easily handles my unbleached elastic starfish!
He couldn’t handle ONE!
He’ll melt like an “Indiana Jones” Nazi, if he attempts another!
“Immediately following the first presidential debate”
That was a presidential debate?
Good to know.