Joe Biden’s Weather Report – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Weather Report

American Greatness: It was only recently that I have come to understand what a deep bench of comic talent the Democrats command.

Consider Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY).

Is there a more accomplished straight man in the business?

A week ago, Devon Archer, bosom buddy and former biz partner of First Son Hunter Biden, testified in a closed-door session before the House Oversight Committee. The subject? Allegations of wholesale bribery, corruption, and influence peddling on the part of the Bidens.

Hunter is said to be the peddler (with Archer in the role of Tonto), dear old dad the product peddled. The details, now available in the transcript that Rep. James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, released last week are eyeopening to say the least.

We now know, for example, that Joe Biden was summoned to the telephone at least 20 times to chat with Hunter’s business partners in Ukraine, China, Romania, and elsewhere. What were they talking about?

According to Rep. Goldman, it was just chit chat.

“How’s it going, Dad?”

“Pretty well, son? How’s the weather there?”

You could almost see Goldman holding his breath as he said that. Would the rubes buy it? MORE

8 Comments on Joe Biden’s Weather Report

  1. It will be interesting to see how they make this go away. Go away it will, but learning the mechanism they decide to use will be interesting. This ‘scandal’ is probably part of the forgetting regarding the stolen 2020 and 2022 elections and the COVID bioweapon release (the shots, not the virus). Those were part of the forgetting regarding the 0bama/Clinton crimes which, we must agree, have been most satisfactorily memory holed.


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