Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked’

Daily Mail: A naked selfie of Joe Biden‘s brother Frank has been discovered on a gay porn site.

The photo was uploaded to in 2018, when Frank – who has a long-term female partner Mindy Ward – was 64.

It was first unearthed by right wing nonprofit Marco Polo, which has been investigating the Biden family for alleged political corruption and crimes for years

When approached by, Frank, 69, conceded he was the man in the photo but denied he was the one who posted it.

‘I’ve absolutely no comment. I could care less. I haven’t even looked at it,’ Frank said Monday morning when asked about the shot at his Florida home. 

‘They must have hacked my phone,’ he added. 

‘Anything that is a revealing picture of some kind is between Mindy and me.

‘I really don’t want to start my day off this way,’ said Frank. ‘Definitely didn’t post it anywhere.

‘What lengths will these cretins go to? Why do they care about a 70-year-old man.’

A naked picture of the President’s brother circulating online could raise the prospect of blackmail of the First Family – a potent national security threat. There is no evidence that any person or group has attempted to use the shot against the Biden administration. More

29 Comments on Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked’

  1. Sure! Could totally be a phone hack!

    Because doesn’t EVERYBODY keep nekkid fotos of themselves on their cell just in case a doctor or somebody wants to see them?

    TOTES belivable!

  2. Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked’

    Problem with that is, phones don’t get hacked, TPTB know where you’re at 24/7. Frank is no longer a closet faggot.

  3. The old my phone was hacked excuse. How many times have we heard that?

    Anthony Weiner and Joy Reid – to name two.

    Does anybody believe that tired old bs?

  4. A brief foray into Biden family history reveals a line of ‘almost there’ social climbers. Ethics and honesty in dealings do not appear to have been a major component in the relentless social climbing, and success in that endeavor likewise is not prominent. This would help explain PedoPete’s deep, deep insecurity and his willingness to plagiarize repeatedly and lie when telling the truth would be a better bet.

  5. I don’t give two shits about Frank, and I believe neither does anyone else.

    This is a “look here, not at Joe” event/distraction.

    My spidey-sense tells me that Joe’s time is short.

  6. Who the HELL were the parents of Joe Biden and his brothers????!!! I mean jeezel, at some point, one has to wonder about them. One bad seed is one thing, but they are ALL a bunch of CORRUPT sonsabitches. And Hunter is the way he is because of HIS dad. Good grief. What a wretched, messed up family.

  7. It’s been evident for a very long time the entire Biden clan is abnormally perverse. The question remains, “who, at his age, keeps naked selfies on their phones or even takes them?”. More importantly, who’d want to see a naked photo of this old ugly freak unless published in “Zoo Life” or “The Study of Primate Subspecies” by mistake?


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