Joe breaks the news to Obama – IOTW Report

Joe breaks the news to Obama


What a fun way to ease into it.

h/t Dave.

10 Comments on Joe breaks the news to Obama

  1. what legacy?

    “nothing” cannot be ruined.

    obama did more when he was a community organizer than he did as potus. not that anyone expected he would do anything. besides destroying healthcare and small business and race bate and start isis and letting men into ladies rooms what else did he really do?

    that’s not a legacy, that’s a mischievous boys week at prep school.

  2. Obama’s legacy meets the criteria for “Fake News”.

    An arrogant, pompous, childish, racist, faux president fails miserably is his legacy.

    With due respect (none), he has excelled in dividing the country racially, financially and criminal thugs Vs Law enforcement, alienating allies, damaging our military, damaging the national financial infra-structure, bolstering our enemies, destroying our healthcare system, unleashed the IRS, DOJ, FBI, EPA, BLM and other agencies to be used against citizens and for his political gain, bettering his golf game and taking vacations.
    Obama, You have released a plague upon this Nation of Free People. Barack Hussein Obama, Be Gone.

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