Joe Broke The Planet – You Pay The Price – IOTW Report

Joe Broke The Planet – You Pay The Price

Putting a mentally incompetent Chinese puppet in the Oval Office seemed calculated to turn out badly. 

25 Comments on Joe Broke The Planet – You Pay The Price

  1. Yes, Joe did it, but make no mistake, everything he did was according to the policies of the democrat party. And accomplished while the republicans stood by with their collective thumbs up their asses.

  2. Jackass Joe presided over the Supreme Court nomination hearing for Clarence Thomas. If Rod Sirling were around he might say something like this:

    Imagine traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A mind so old, demented and so mind-numbingly stupid he actually thought it was possible to lynch a Black man with a pubic hair!


    I don’t think he needs to be, or is serious about getting re elected. The fuse has been lit. We’re on auto pilot for self destruction. Or maybe my Tin Foil Hat is way to damn tight. They have it all, EXCEPT our guns. And I don’t see that we are willing to use them. Gonna be an interesting year.

  4. Remind me, what’s the $$$amount for the MIC in the new $1.6T spending bill? Oh, right, it’s about half. For what? We show no strength, don’t lead shit, and are diminished. That’s the state of your pedo commander in chief. Notice no BRICS nations are condemning red sea shutdown; we’re being organized against and don’t have the resources to respond, then mix in weak ass captain pedo, welp, we’re fucked.

  5. He just following the lead of the “Prior Guy”. Chinese puppet, your fellow parrot, Trump was just disclosed he received 7.8 mill while in office (oh my) from 2 countries, Xi/China & Saudi Arabia/Jared Kushner BILLION dollar deals, who’s daddy was pardoned by Trump. So tell me Willis what u talkin bout? Just lifetime grifters do their grifting.

  6. “He just following the lead of the “Prior Guy”. Chinese puppet”

    Wait, last week you fucking morons said he was a Russian Puppet. Have you guys ever stopped to think that your minds are so polluted from following the State Propaganda Outlets that maybe you should just shut the fuck up? Just asking.

  7. Fuck Uncle Tom Clarence. Just another republiCON grifter. Lets come back to reality, Mikey Johnson seems to be werking out real well & damn girlfriend tanks. Even better than his daddy, McCarthy Sr.

  8. Brad boy you really have to keep current. Word is they, who is they? Our fucking government, MORON! Are going to make him pay it to our government treasury, because ALL Presidents have to claim all income/grifts while in office. This “grift” legally is NOT his.

  9. J.Conner

    That’s good on you buddy. Like I say, maybe my Tin Foil hats to tight but I’m really not liking what I’m seeing or reading. Now the state department is warning us about impending Hamas terrorist attacks. Are we about to be living in a war zone? If we are it’s just what the world elites wanted.

  10. Here’s one for you. Let’s say several groups of 500,000 of these young military aged men manage to arm themselves . Then they quietly position them around our biggest and most important military bases. Then one night say around Thanksgiving holidays they rush the bases and over run them . Fun times are coming.

  11. J.Conner
    A very real scenario when you consider how much land the Chinese has purchased right next to our military instillations. Here’s another one for you. They’re placing these invaders in predetermined spots from country of origin. For example I have family in a rather small town in extreme Northern California. Very Conservative. The place is suddenly over run by Chinese Nationalist.They put about 50 of them in one home. They dig holes in the front yard and shit and piss in it and then cover the hole back up. So when they become active, and secure their AO, what does law enforcement do? I’m pretty confident mine will side with us, but that’s by no means the majority. Or is the state confident they have local LE out gunned and out manned? I dunno. Damned tin foil hat.

  12. Pedo McShitforbrains broke nothing, he is a wandering vegetable. ValJar at the behest of her globalist masters is the sole shot caller.

    She was imbeded into Barry McHalfnegro like the satanic tick she is decades ago to navigate his ascendancy and initiate the current Luciferian takeover…


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