Joe diGenova goes off on Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein – IOTW Report

Joe diGenova goes off on Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

CTH: Alan Dershowitz and Joe diGenova appear on Sean Hannity TV show to discuss the latest revelations in the Robert Mueller ‘Muh Russia’ collusion investigation.

Against yesterday’s backdrop discovery of the secret instructions from Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Joe diGenova goes full wolverine.  Go see

7 Comments on Joe diGenova goes off on Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

  1. My question for a while has been why isn’t anybody been looking into Mueller’s activities during the uranium scandal? He was a participant and as dirty as the others that allowed this to occur.
    Put some heat on his treacherous ass.


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