Joe Donnelly(D) In Indiana Senate Debate: ‘My Hero in Politics’ Is John McCain – IOTW Report

Joe Donnelly(D) In Indiana Senate Debate: ‘My Hero in Politics’ Is John McCain

Breitbart: Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) described the late John McCain as his “hero in politics” during Monday’s senatorial debate at Purdue University Northwest in Hammond, IN. His Republican challenger is Rep. Mike Braun (R-IN) in a race described by C-SPAN as “widely considered one of the tightest contests of the 2018 midterm elections.”

Responding to a question about personal heroes, Donnelly highlighted McCain.

“My friend, my mentor, my hero in politics, John McCain,” said Donnelly. “John McCain, who spent over five years in a Hanoi prison cell. John McCain, who fought for his nation at every turn. John McCain, who when he ran for president, his motto was “Country First,” and that’s what this should be about.”

Throughout the debate, Donnelly framed himself as independent-minded, noting his support for a majority of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees. He denied being subservient to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). “I don’t think it’s about party,” he claimed.

“[Donnelly] takes his marching orders from Chuck Schumer,” said Braun, highlighting Donnelly’s vote against confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In explaining his opposition to Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Donnelly described the allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh as “credible.”

Braun’s campaign released a statement declaring victory in the debate following its completion:

Tonight, Hoosiers saw a clear contrast between career politician Joe Donnelly and job creator Mike Braun.  While Mexico Joe tried to hide his record of profiting from his family business that outsourced Hoosier jobs south of the border and his vote against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Mike Braun outlined his record of creating American jobs and his vision to work with President Trump to create Hoosier jobs. This November, Hoosiers have a clear choice between a liberal career politician in Senator Donnelly and Mike Braun who has real solutions to move Indiana forward.

Indiana went for Trump in 2016’s presidential election, winning 56.9 percent of the vote to Hillary Clinton’s 37.8 percent. Ballotpedia describes Indiana as reliably Republican in presidential elections. MORE HERE

19 Comments on Joe Donnelly(D) In Indiana Senate Debate: ‘My Hero in Politics’ Is John McCain

  1. What Irish said.^^^
    He’s a Democrat, so I don’t expect much from him, but his idolizing McCain tells you all you need to know about both of them. Toads.

    I don’t think that will get him many Republican votes. We saw McCain for what he was.

  2. The RINOs that had been/are in power in my state have no quibble with Donnelly. When Murdoch screwed up on the abortion gotcha question, they all abandoned Murdoch, instead of circling the wagons like dems always do. They welcomed Donnelly to the fold.

    The Republican Wee (small) Wigs, are phoney climbers who are Kasich people, hence Mc Stain people, hence Donnelly and Vislosky people.

    Any change in their mentality is because they want to ride the shirttails of PDJT.

    DH and I are working hard for Braun. It sure appears that Braun is going it without help from the state Rs.

    (The commercials against Braun on Pandora are awful lies. Every time one comes on, I answer by shutting off Pandora. )

    We have a good guy who has tried to unseat Visclosky for years. He’s never gotten help from the state Rs.

  3. Already have a Mike Braun sign in my yard.
    Joe Donnelly is a weak back-bencher, who will always do what Pelosi tells him to do. Lefty Puppets — does any of them have two brain cells to rub together?

    Plain Jane — agree with you that we need Indiana Republicans with a spine.

  4. So your heros graduate fifth from the bottom of a class of almost 900 in the military, then go on to be promoted first among his classmates, then driving four planes into the ground and still maintaining his career? The short list.

  5. Donnelly came out swinging in the debate with Braun by … wait for it … saying he was the deciding vote to keep obamacare. Maybe it was Donnelly who really give that thumbs-down instead of McStain. As if anyone even said anything about zerocare recently other than it’s dying or that keeping zerocare is a GOOD thing. Donnelly then went on to claim Braun’s employees’ health insurance deductible was $10,000 as if that WASN’T a direct result of zerocare. He said more lies in 5 sentences than most people say in a year, but what else do you expect from a dem?

  6. “Donnelly then went on to claim Braun’s employees’ health insurance deductible was $10,000 as if that WASN’T a direct result of zerocare.”

    Ohhh that took a lot of stupid balls for him to say that. WOW!


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