Joe getting nervous? Biden White House tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name – IOTW Report

Joe getting nervous? Biden White House tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

American Thinker-

It’s not just Hunter Biden who’s proving an embarrassment to the Joe Biden White House.

Kamala Harris has at least one relative just as brimming with cupidity and eager to strike it rich.

Latest from Joe is this, as reported by the New York Post:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ social-media-influencer niece has long used her aunt’s fame to boost her own personal brand — but now that Harris has entered the White House, aides have become increasingly concerned about the ethical implications of the promotional pattern, according to a report. 

“Some things can’t be undone,” a White House official, speaking about niece Meena Harris, 36, on the condition of anonymity, told The Los Angeles Times.

“That being said: Behavior needs to change,” the official said of the niece Harris, whose ventures have reportedly become a sensitive issue in the newly formed Biden-Harris White House. 

She jumped right in to make money off her auntie Kamala’s election by creating knock-off t-shirts and advertising her connections, fast as Frank Biden.

According to The Moguldom Nation, an African-American-led publication:

Her 3-year-old lifestyle brand, Phenomenal Woman, has just inked new deals and has debuted products that seem to be tied to her Aunt Kamala being elected vice president. 

The Biden-Harris transition team warned Meena that she can’t profit off her famous aunt’s image after she unveiled a collaboration between her company and Beats By Dre, Axios reported.

Harris’s niece Meena, 36, is the daughter of her close sister Maya, and something of a gadfly, always looking to strike it rich. That covers a wide field, from selling t-shirts, writing wokester children’s books, wallowing in adoring fashion shoots, working in some at least nominal boss positions for Uber, Facebook and Slack, sinecure-ing on some San Francisco city women’s commission, serving as an ‘advisor’ for Kamala Harris (payment unknown), hanging out with celebs, posting “lifestyle” vanity posts on Instagram, and glomming onto a big mishmash of left-wing causes, whichever are most in the news.

Oh, and for kicks, she’s vowed to keep annoying the government of India, where she’s unpopular. Politico wrote a piece five days ago headlined: “The @meena problem goes global.”  more

15 Comments on Joe getting nervous? Biden White House tells Meena Harris to quit cashing in off Kamala Harris name

  1. Kamala and her whole family are getting a lot of mileage out of Kamala’s days as Willie Brown’s cum dumpster. Even her beta male cuck of a husband is profiting off of her whoredom with a teaching gig at Georgetown.

  2. The Harris’ aren’t exactly the most clean people. They’re kinda gross, actually.

    Speaking of getting old: can you believe murderer Jodi Arias is now FORTY years old?

  3. “…but now that Harris has entered the White House, aides have become increasingly concerned about the ethical implications of the promotional pattern, according to a report.”

    ethical implications? They gotta be kidding.


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