Joe is a racist – IOTW Report

Joe is a racist

Patriot Retort:
I really don’t know how many more unbelievably racist statements Joe Biden has to make before people finally realize that old Joe is a racist.

The proof is out there … if you know how to get online.

19 Comments on Joe is a racist

  1. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
    -Joe Biden Jan. 31, 2007

  2. He’s giving black people everything they want. What do they care if he calls them dumb, as long as he keeps greasing the palm. Blacks feign having dignity when it’s convenient.

  3. Where is Sheila Jackson Leigh, Mad Maxine or what’s her name from the squad? 🤔 You know the one that shaves her head, nowhere, all you hear is crickets.

    Now if it had been a Repube, that had said anything close to what Beijing Biden spoke, he would have been forced out by any means necessary. 🤨

  4. Indeed, why have they not run him out of town on a rail on his Delaware Express train?
    Hurry hurry, get your tickets right here to see Joe come unwound. Next on deck Kamilla the communist, a twofer.
    Dear lord, we need a PSA to remind people to breathe, this is so dumb.

  5. Soooo THIS is an issue to nail that bastard with…

    And I hate to say it this way…??

    But this IS actual proof that he is indeed ‘demented’ even though I got triggered the other night…about going after him about THAT.

    Having dementia is a combo of inner truth and a mental dam of sorts…it will break and something will leak…or blurt out.

  6. Well now they can choose between dementia or racism, delicious…

    “I said the sheriff is an eager damflam it” and Angela is “sansour” what ever the fuck that means. This guy’s brain is melted cheese.

    When Pedo opens his piehole we always gets genuine frontier gibberish.

  7. It doesn’t matter that Ole Joe is a racist – they (Demonrat Politburo) ALL are!

    The KKK was a Demonrat invention, for pity’s sake! Nobody cares!
    The negroes coupled their wagon to the D-Socialist train back in the 60s and don’t know how to get loose. Drugs, cheap wine, and free shit are just too attractive.
    So what if they live ghettoized in “quiet desperation” and the chief cause of death is murder! They get free shit! And a promise of “reparations!”

    Ignorance is Bliss.

    izlamo delenda est …


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