Joe Manchin Checkmates Nancy Pelosi: “Chuck Schumer will not have my vote on $3.5 trillion and he knows that” – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin Checkmates Nancy Pelosi: “Chuck Schumer will not have my vote on $3.5 trillion and he knows that”

MAGA Conservatives

Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), just ended Nancy Pelosi’s dream of passing Biden’s agenda quick and easy by saying he will not support the $3.5 trillion spending bill Pelosi promised some Dems she would get through the Congress.

Joe said of Chuck Schumer and Manchin’s critical 50th vote, “He will not have my vote on $3.5 trillion and Chuck knows that, and we’ve talked about this,” Manchin said on CNN.

He continued: “We’ve already put out $5.4 trillion and we’ve tried to help Americans in every way we possibly can and a lot of the help that we’ve put out there is still there and it’s going to run clear until next year, 2022, so what’s the urgency? 

“What’s the urgency that we have? It’s not the same urgency that we had with the American Rescue Plan. We got that out the door quickly. That was about $2 trillion.

“There’s no way we can get this done by the 27th if we do our job,” he said.

“There’s so much differences that we have here and so much, there’s so much apart from us to where we are as far as our I’m giving you different things, I’ve been talking, I’ve been working with people, I’m going to talk to people, that makes no sense at all.

“There are still 11 million jobs that aren’t filled right now. Eight million people are still unemployed. Something’s not matching up. read more

10 Comments on Joe Manchin Checkmates Nancy Pelosi: “Chuck Schumer will not have my vote on $3.5 trillion and he knows that”

  1. I think they are just delaying the inevitable.
    Dems will do ANYTHING to impose their will.

    In California they have ALREADY stolen the recall election.
    Republicans are showing up to vote only to be told they already voted.
    They are given a PROVISIONAL ballot but what good is that?
    If their vote is ALREADY REGISTERED the provisional will be TOSSED.

    We are SO FUCKED if legitimate voting can’t be repaired.

  2. Are there really only two sentient Senators in the entire Dementiacrat Party? Nothing screams stupidity like embracing the Biden Catastrophe here at home. What brand of Kool Aid are they chugging?

  3. Manchin must’ve had a dream of pitchforks, tar and feathers, and DC destroyed and plowed with salt. But the louse raised a daughter who made millions gouging vulnerably needy patients for Epipens.
    Never trust this traitor (career politician). He’s flipped more than a fish out of water.

  4. I may have mentioned this before:
    Multiple mailings of CA recall voting info contains plenty of instruction on how to vote early, vote by mail and internet resources.
    But not where to vote in person.

    Also, a whiny message from gov Noisome saying the recall will cost CA taxpayers $81 million. (As if he gives a rat’s ass about CA taxpayers.)

    Well screw you, nazi commie wrecker. I’ve seen your harebrained policies in action.

    I wouldn’t sell you my snot.

  5. The democrat schemer and profiteer Schumer better hope his name doesn’t appear in the court-ordered list-exposure of high-profile and political names regarding the Epstein-Maxwell pedophile cult as active participant members. As it is Schumer still hasn’t lived down the mega-millions paid to him by Epstein since the 1990s until he (Epstein) was suicided.

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