Joe Manchin considers re-registering as Dem to run for president after Biden drops out: CNN report – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin considers re-registering as Dem to run for president after Biden drops out: CNN report

Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) is reportedly considering re-registering as a Democrat in order to throw his hat in the ring for the presidency after President Joe Biden bowed out of the 2024 presidential race.  

West Virginia’s Manchin left the Democrat party in May and has been rumored to have presidential ambitions. CNN’s Jake tapper reported that sources close to Manchin said he had been considering the idea. more

16 Comments on Joe Manchin considers re-registering as Dem to run for president after Biden drops out: CNN report

  1. @ Anonymous MONDAY, 22 JULY 2024, 12:23 AT 12:23 PM

    Anyone who identifies with or even casts a legitimate vote for ANY Democrat at this juncture is just hunky dory with a) Sexual grooming of children b) illegal immigration c) election theft d) attacking the food supply that average Americans depend on e) attacking the energy sources average Americans depend on to survive and on and on ad infinitum there are not enough letters in the alphabet to list what they are on board with.

    It isn’t all things stupid, it is the progressive/Marxist/SAtraist agenda.

  2. DO IT! I want to see absolute mayhem at the Chicago convention!

    Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
    The dead rising from the grave!
    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… MASS HYSTERIA!

  3. Maybe this is just the beginning.
    Imagine Uniparty career politicians falling all over themselves like drunks that don’t know which Party they belong to.

    Could Nikki Haley or Assa Hutchison forget they’re ‘republicans’ to grab Kamala’s tiara??

    How ’bout Christy Crispy? What if offered a dozen donuts?


  4. There are no moderate democrats. The Obamacare vote proved that. They just come with different prices. Manchin is a slimy chameleon who’s kept his seat in West Virginia by pretending to be conservative round about election time.When has cast the deciding vote to approve the “inflation reduction act” for $1.9 TRILLION which has caused inflation to skyrocket. The state knows he screwed them and the country over so he was trying to run again as an independent.

  5. There’s nothing like an old fool. Manchin has no chance as the Democrat presidential nominee.
    He just wants campaign funds he can misappropriate as usual. Independents don’t get the big grifting bucks – like the Democrats. So, of course he wants back into the Democrat camp.

  6. FTA: “I never believed that government should be your provider. It should be your partner.” If the government was my partner I’d file domestic abuse charges.


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