Joe Manchin Gets CNN’s Chris Cuomo To Admit A Fence Is Necessary – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin Gets CNN’s Chris Cuomo To Admit A Fence Is Necessary

DC: Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin got CNN host Chris Cuomo to respond with a “sure” to the idea that a “fencing of some sort” is needed at the border.

The admission came during a wide-ranging conversation on Monday’s edition of “Cuomo Prime Time” about the partial government shutdown and President Donald Trump’s desire for border barrier funding to be included in any bill he signs.

Diverting away from Trump and others’ stated need for a border wall, Cuomo noted that the contention that “we’re a wall away from safety” is “not true.”

However, both agreed on several things needed to make the border safe, including drones and more agents.

“There are so many things that we need to secure this border,” said Manchin. “But a fence or a secured border, a fencing of some sort is needed also.”  MORE

4 Comments on Joe Manchin Gets CNN’s Chris Cuomo To Admit A Fence Is Necessary

  1. Manchin runs hot and cold – not really sure of him at times – whether he’s a find which way the wind blows politician or not.

    If he’s not an asshole he might make a good Demo Candidate in 2024.

  2. I hope Trump plays the videos of Obama, Clinton, and Schmucky Schumer tonight saying how we need a physical barrier at the border.

    A big thank you goes out to Edison, Ampex, Sony (Betamax), JVC (VHS), Texas Instruments, and all the rest who developed the technology to keep these hypocrites honest.


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