Joe Manchin received donations from law firm pushing for gun control – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin received donations from law firm pushing for gun control

WaTimes: The law firm Paul, Weiss, long known for their questionable tactics in defending terrorists, donated to Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, quarterly campaign filings show.

Mr. Manchin accepted donations totaling over $87,000 from people connected to the powerful Manhattan law firm with his total fundraising for the quarter coming in at $1.4 million.


In addition to representing terrorists, the firm has also joined a coalition of other law firms to promote gun control causes, according to the New York Times. Paul, Weiss joined several other top law firms in wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting last year to offer free legal services and donations to groups that work on such advocacy.

This issue is sure to go over poorly with Mr. Manchin’s constituents in West Virginia where more than 50 percent of households have guns, reports NPR.

The firm has been a longtime donor in Democratic politics and was listed among the top ten firms to donate to federal candidates and parties in 2016, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Ninety-three percent of the donations went to Democratic candidates.  read more

13 Comments on Joe Manchin received donations from law firm pushing for gun control

  1. Nasty criminals commit crimes with illegal guns. How do law makers respond? By going after innocent gun owners, who’ve been approved by the government. Very bad people smuggle nasty drugs into the country and kill lots of druggies with drugs not inspected, treated, or diluted. How do law makers respond? By going after innocent doctors, pharmacists, and patients. See a pattern?

  2. For those of us that pay attention, we realize Joe Manchin is near the top of the dishonest shit weasel list.

    Perpetually pretending to be “so conservative as to be considering becoming a Republican”. Yet he consistently votes with the Democrats. (See: Manchin votes with the Democrats on this week’s defeat of the repeal of Obamacare.)

    He should be booted in the upcoming election, but he is so dishonest he will likely convince pro-Trump West Virginians to vote for him.

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