Joe Manchin told Chuck Schumer his Senate floor speech was ‘f*cking stupid’ for attacking GOP – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin told Chuck Schumer his Senate floor speech was ‘f*cking stupid’ for attacking GOP


Following Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s speech on the Senate floor Thursday, Senator Joe Manchin reported told Schumer that his speech was “f*cking stupid” for attacking the GOP.

“Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans insisted they wanted a solution to the debt ceiling, but said Democrats must raise it alone. By going through a drawn out convoluted and risky reconciliation process that was simply unacceptable to my caucus, and yesterday Senate Republicans finally realized that their obstruction was not going to work,” Schumer said during his speech on Thursday.

Manchin can be seen in the background putting his head in his hands at one point, and shaking his head at another.

“I thank very much thank my Democratic colleagues for our showing our unity in solving this Republican manufactured crisis. Despite immense opposition from Leader McConnell and members of his conference, our caucus held together, and we pulled our country back from the cliff’s edge that Republicans tried to push us over,” Schumer continued, as Manchin leaves the background of the video. According to Punchbowl News, Manchin is quoted as saying Schumer’s speech was “f*cking stupid.” more here

13 Comments on Joe Manchin told Chuck Schumer his Senate floor speech was ‘f*cking stupid’ for attacking GOP

  1. The DNC have become SCOLDS and gotten worse ever since the Obama years. It’s part of their appeal to leftists who also tend to be virtue signaling, anal retentive SCOLDS.
    see: Covid vaccines, AGW, Green energy, abortion, electric cars, gender issues, immigration, geopolitical relations, “you ain’t Black if you don’t vote for me” attitude”.
    They have strong opinions and weak knowledge to actually do what is required to fix their chosen issues.

  2. “They have strong opinions and weak knowledge to actually do what is required to fix their chosen issues.”???

    Whoa, if you’re talking about virtually any pol in DC, especially the Rs, I sure don’t understand that one.

    At least the dem lie to my face. The scum GOPe make big bad noises but when it’s time to make a stand, they fold like the used kleenex they are. Was there really ever any fucking chance the debt ceiling(what a fucking joke of a term) wouldn’t be raised?

    It’s all kabuki. Meant to keep our attention off the incoming asteroid(s). Once every Stephen Crowder, IOTWr & Wes Rhinier have silenced, they can go about their evil without any oppo.

    It’s certainly their objective. All you need to do is look at their irrational response to the election fraud protest on 1/6 or the recent wave of parents challenging school curriculum.

  3. McConnell

    Traitors, all. Remember their names. They’ve sold out their party, their constituency, and their country.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I am so sick of Schumer, Pelosi and Biden spouting destructive hyperpartisan lies with absolutely NO consequences, no one challenging them.
    In fact the entire party then lines up behind them.
    It’s like there are NO adults over there.
    It almost seems as though Manchin is kind of waking up, but he shows tendencies to slip away.

  5. Tim, voters should remember their names for letting the country down but I fear they will only remember them when they are voting again, as in – let’s see who did I vote for last time?

  6. Traitor Man-chin is in the wrong party, or just maybe the worst kind of politician a f’n independent, goes “both” ways. Needs what ever is shoved up his ass to be pulled out.

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