Joe Rogan: Kayleigh McEnany Was ‘the Best’ WH Press Sec – ‘She Was the GOAT’ – IOTW Report

Joe Rogan: Kayleigh McEnany Was ‘the Best’ WH Press Sec – ‘She Was the GOAT’

Kayleigh McEnany. She’s the best, she’s the GOAT at that sh*t cause she would have f*cking receipts, she had, like, tabs on her notebook, she would pull right to, like, when she knew they were coming with a gotcha.”

10 Comments on Joe Rogan: Kayleigh McEnany Was ‘the Best’ WH Press Sec – ‘She Was the GOAT’

  1. I think we can all agree she was good at her job… back then. But now she has compromised her integrity by being employed by Fox News who has failed to report on the obvious election fraud of 2020.

  2. 2A4ever
    Everybody in America, (that is paying attention) knows about the obvious election fraud of 2020.
    If you had to choose just one topic on how the Dems have screwed America, you would still have months worth of programs.
    I hope Kayleigh finds her way back to the front lines.

  3. Agreed.
    Sarah Sanders also had it very tough.

    To bad neither smashed Jimmy Acosta’s head in with a Golf Club.
    (Little fucking gopher)

  4. Cmn¢¢guy

    Check out STAPLE STREET CAPITAL Owner with the management of DOMINION. Ask KCIR if you need help. These are Canadian folk that have been, and are now, FRIENDS OF THE BUSH CLAN. Which is why Ga is the only American state that is 100% DOMINION.

    I have never seen the Bush
    Clan called DEm. They in fact are; but I’m the only one saying so!

    Kemp – he installed DOMINION – claims to be GOP!

    Were it only the “D” stealing the election Don would be in his 2nd term!

  5. My favorite moment was when Kyleigh complimented a female reporter on her make up or something, forget what. The reporter couldn’t say anything against it, and it was kind of a slam. It was a by they way, I love what you have done …


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