Joe Should Have Stayed In His Basement – IOTW Report

Joe Should Have Stayed In His Basement

Townhall: The only guy who had it worse than Joe Biden as a debater this week was Jeffrey Toobin. As the desiccated old weirdo staggered toward the finish line, Trump basically maneuvered him into making such bold moves as telling millions of people in the key Keystone State that he would rather suck up to California weather pagans than keep Pennsylvania working families fed. Not the strategy I would choose, but then I’m not a senile incompetent with a 47-year track record of failure, corruption, and terrible hair.

It’s not clear that Trump really had to do anything in this debate except not Nadler himself on national TV. With the exception of some of the media polls, the momentum is all in his direction, and the president is out holding rally after rally while Gropey J is sitting in his basement wrapped in a shawl watching episode after episode of Matlock. Joe took four days out of the last 15 days of the campaign to prep for last night’s disaster and that performance was as good as he could get. If America is dumb enough to elect him, all Putin has to do is drag out a summit for two hours and, before he nods off, Oldfinger will sign Alaska back to the Russians. more here

14 Comments on Joe Should Have Stayed In His Basement

  1. The mummified old codger has been utterly humiliated in the last debate and it’s fitting that he did. A lifetime of dirty politics with zero accomplishments while enriching himself along with destroying the lives of some good people, Joe is now reaping his just reward.

  2. Joey’s a symptom.
    He’s not the only life-long corrupt maggot in Congress.
    He’s not even the best (most corrupt).
    As an expendable (nearing the end of his useful existence) don in a world-wide crime syndicate it was decided to use him as an experiment. If they can get him elected, then it proves that the process is infinitely malleable.
    A Dullard.
    A Racist.
    A Braggart.
    A Corrupt-o-crat.
    An Unapologetic Liar.
    A Dissembler.
    An Abuser of Children.
    An Arrogant Bully.
    A Useful Idiot.
    And Ultimately, a Traitor to his country.

    That all these things are known of him do not daunt them a bit. In fact, they seem to revel in his halting, retarded, confused maunderings.
    We think “Damn! What a shitty candidate!” and they think “Damn! What a shitty electorate!” The Proof will be in the Pudding.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Boo Radley looked better than Dementia Joe. One of them is a fictional character brought to life in a movie, and the other one is a historical example of how rotten and pathetic political life has become in America. Voters in Delaware have been electing this fraudster and profiteer for nearly fifty years. All he needed to do to get re-elected was to keep shoveling welfare payments to his Plantation Dwellers. I’ll bet Dementia Joe and Dr. Jill still believe he did just fine in that last debate. In 9 days they can stop worrying how to keep up this charade and keeping poor Humper hidden away from public appearances. After that, they can use his dementia to protect him from testifying before a Grand Jury.

  4. No way could Joe bear watching an ethical, competent lawyer like Matlock; he just couldn’t accept a person like him.

    Now hiding in the basement with Dr Jill bringing him cookies and milk while he watched Jerry Springer, that I can picture.

  5. @Mr. Anth Ropy October 24, 2020 at 10:01 am

    “…What if the roof gets completely blown off the Biden thug life?
    Then he wins the election?…”

    One of two things: either the dems force him to resign, or the 25th amendment is invoked.

    That’s what the HO is there fo. Now, imagine HER VP selection – Mike or Hitlery?

  6. Tim, this line of yours right here: “That all these things are known of him do not daunt them a bit.”

    Exactly, and there was a great piece in American Thinker about exactly that:

    “But Republicans are making a big mistake if they think yet another example of Biden’s growing dementia is going to change minds and convince voters to vote for President Trump. Biden’s diminished state is already “baked into the cake.” People are making their choice primarily on Trump yes/no, and they realize that a President Biden will be a “Weekend at Bernie’s” situation. Behind-the-scenes unelected Democratic operatives will run any new Democratic administration. They will call the shots, push for liberal legislation, and craft the super-progressive new society that today’s liberals — who are totally and gleefully divorced from any sense of loyalty to this country’s traditions and history — crave so badly.”

    I don’t think even the Hunter issue is going to change the mind of anybody who was going to vote for Biden in the first place. Sure, all this horrifies us, but the writer makes a great point when he says: “People are making their choice primarily on Trump yes/no”. This election is a referendum on Trump, period, full stop.

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