Joe Tzu – IOTW Report

Joe Tzu

23 Comments on Joe Tzu

  1. … & don’t forget to leave your citizens & allies behind
    … & your working dogs

    … & your country’s dignity, reputation & respect

    & be sure to promise $$$ … lots & lots of $$$
    ’cause one thing this pedoResident knows is that $$$ buys ‘love’ … it’s a family thing, ya know

  2. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will not get any ice cream.”

  3. Some more probably Joe Tzu sayings:
    “Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley in order to find the best cocaine they can.”

    “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance by giving them all of your best weapons before leaving.”

    “Victory usually goes to the army who has better diversity-trained officers and men.”

  4. Cato, with all due respect, I believe it is pure corruption. This is the end result of out politicians and military being bought and paid for by both domestic and foreign adversaries. I seriously doubt we can turn this around. The deck is rigged.

  5. joe6pak

    Yep, except for Loyd “I.m a Moron” Austin. That dudes right out of the movie It’s A Mad Mad Mad World. He’s the guy trying to save Mama. Dude must of had some serious Mom Son relationship issues. I’m sensing a bit of an Oedipus complex myself. And every motherfucking vet you talk to says in combat there is no racism, you’re just trying to save the guy next to you. Ah, there’s the problem, send the pencil pushing faggot Austin into combat with a bunch of white guys. Fucking ignorant pampered asshole.

  6. Most Votes Ever for the LEAST BRAIN CELLS EVER!

    Congrats MSM. Forgive me for asking but how many TV stations do communist countries have? I Doubt NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, FOX, CNN, PBS, ESPN, etc. Plus the Internet divisions will all be needed in the Socialist Utopia you endorse. 75% of you will be redundant.

  7. This post made me look up the hundreds of famous quotes from Confucius, hoping to find some about war. But I struck out. So, here are some I made up:

    “Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies in the trunk.”

    “A country that doesn’t destroy its enemy is run by idiots.”

    “Kill swiftly and do not celebrate the poor dumb bastard dying for his stinking country.”

    “Yes there are atheists in foxholes, at least for awhile. They’re not stupid.”

    “You’ll experience less fear of battle if you first realize you’re already dead. Then, be sure and get some chow and rest. You have much to live for.”

    “If an army runs on its stomach, how come its food sucks?”

    “If any country won’t fight to win, it will never win to fight again.”


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