JoeBama Re-starts Deportations, Left Freaks Out – IOTW Report

JoeBama Re-starts Deportations, Left Freaks Out

Joe Biden’s Latest Immigration Edict Has the Left Apoplectic

Illegal border crossings have surged since Joe Biden’s election. Some of this is related to a lack of enforcement, but the lion’s share likely comes from his rhetoric. You see, when a president telegraphs publicly that you can enter the country illegally and all you’ll get is processed and released if caught, that tends to incentivize more people to make the journey.

Of course, the biggest costs will probably never be known. That’ll come in the untold numbers of dead children, women, and men who never even make it to the border. Encouraging such dangerous acts, which directly benefit the drug cartels, is a cost-free maneuver for politicians. They get to pretend to be compassionate while others pay the real price of their virtue signaling.

But while Biden’s policies have already proven catastrophic, he’s apparently realized you do need some type of enforcement mechanism, and his new edict to ICE has the left apoplectic.

7 Comments on JoeBama Re-starts Deportations, Left Freaks Out

  1. “when a president telegraphs publicly that you can enter the country illegally and all you’ll get is processed and released if caught…”

    Can’t forget all the free shit.


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