Joe’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Evangelists – IOTW Report

Joe’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Evangelists

Patriot Retort: Just when you thought the Biden COVID plan couldn’t get any creepier. Yesterday President Asterisk announced that, to boost vaccination rates, they would begin going door-to-door like evangelists for the COVID vaccines.

Think of these door-to-door vaccine evangelists as
the Joe-hovah’s Witnesses.

28 Comments on Joe’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Evangelists

  1. Goovernment-
    We know what’s good for us and we’re here to help.
    FYI We don’t answer the door unless you call first and we know you.
    Knock your heart out, but you can’t come in.

  2. I don’t answer phone.
    Any number not in contacts list is silenced and sent to voicemail.
    If no voicemail is recorded, number is blocked and record of silenced call is deleted.
    My blocked callers numbers is approaching a thousand.

  3. There is a great cartoon of the day on today showing lady holding up HIPPA rights paper and saying there’s an old man violating her privacy.

  4. This is out of control! I usually get a flu shot every October, but now I’d be worried that it’s really the virus shot. I got a text message today saying I would be entered in a drawing for 1,000.000. No freaking way. I won’t answer my door or the phone if I don’t recognize the number. They told at the meeting at work today that 86% of the people working for the company had the full vaccination. It was off there survey they sent me that I deleted twice. I think the idea about having holy water and a Bible near me are a good idea.

  5. This smells like a lot more than just a vaccine “courtesy call” to me. I’ll bet they come armed with questions from the recent over-intrusive Census, to gun questions (do you own) to voter registration and Domestic Terrorist classification ratings. These Communists are going to take full advantage of visiting yer doorstep!

  6. I can’t wait for the Vaccine Gestapo “Dwarf Toss” videos… It’s gonna be MUST SEE!!!!
    Watch in amazement as a pissed-off John Q. Public forcibly removes Vapid Vaccination Vermin from his property by tossing then off of the porch and on to the sidewalk! FUN!!!… for the whole Patriotic American Family!!!!

  7. Our NextDoor neighborhood is up in arms about an obnoxious door to door tree trimming salesman. No doubt if the vax police make it up our hill the trumpets will sound. Even my hippy dippy biosphere believer reiki master neighbor thinks the Covid was a planned event for the Great Reset.

  8. My guess is that it will only take a couple of homeowners greeting the door-to-door jabber-wokies with a Glock for him/her to say “f*ck this shit, it aint worth it”.

  9. Have lived in my current home since 1989. Lots and lots of solicitors have gotten my attention when they happen to catch me to home.

    None of them walked away content that their mission was accomplished. None.

    I expect no different if these clowns come to my door while I’m home. Maybe cleaning a shotgun when I answer the door will help.

    Contemplating a front yard fence, now, with a buzzer by the sidewalk entry gate. No Carlton-the-Doorman’s need apply.

  10. As I understand it, the problem is that messenger RNA protein jump starts your immune system. This is what an aging immune system needs

    In a younger, stronger immune system this can cause what amounts to an autoimmune disorder where vital organs can become inflamed

    So the upshot is, the less you need the shot, the greater the hazard. I wonder if the younger set is catching on about the madness of the leftist elite. It certainly is a teachable moment

  11. My employer keeps messaging me to reply whether or not I have had the vaccine. Gosh. Why aren’t they also asking what my favorite color is or whether I am right or left handed?

  12. IF it happens to you?

    Be calm and whatever…

    1. Don’t answer…but that opens you up more to Their lists…they will make note of it…

    2. Open the door and film it…when it happens…be calm have you basic info on the ready.

    3. Tell them to eat shit.

    Close the door.

    Have breakfast or lunch…

  13. @stirrin the pot:

    greeting the door-to-door jabber-wokies with a Glock for him/her to say “f*ck this
    shit, it aint worth it”.

    Yes! I’m thinking a 870 shottie would work, too. Or should I break out my M1 Garand? (-:

    Me: “I just happened to be already holding this when you rang the doorbell. Nothing to worry about, you scum.”

  14. “1. Don’t answer…but that opens you up more to Their lists…they will make note of it…”

    Yeah.. “Don’t answer” just pushes it a few feet away. face it with what ya got. Give ’em the what for.


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