Joe’s Voter Fraud Freudian Slip – IOTW Report

Joe’s Voter Fraud Freudian Slip

Patriot Retort: You know, I don’t expect Joe Biden to make it through even the friendliest interview without tripping over his pud. But even I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw the clip of Joe bragging about their “extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization.”

Was this just your run-of-the-mill Biden gaffe?

Or was this a voter fraud Freudian slip?

Did Dr. Dementia here say the quiet part out loud?

The sad fact is, voter fraud is the Democrat Party’s bread and butter. Sure, the media pretends that any claims of voter fraud are “without evidence” – even while the evidence keeps piling up.

Personally, I have no idea what “inclusive” voter fraud is. Does this mean the dead people who vote Democrat are all the colors of the rainbow? more

17 Comments on Joe’s Voter Fraud Freudian Slip

  1. With all the accusations of fraud and attempted fraud coming from both sides against the other, how will we ever know if the vote is fully legitimate or not?

    How will the losers, no matter which side it is, ever be able to accept the winners as being the legitimate rulers of the nation?

    Will the winning side allow the losing side to have any say so in the system or will they be left out of it?

    No matter the winner and the loser, I’m not seeing a very bright future for America.

  2. Is it at all possible he wanted it to convey as they had a voter fraud organization set to fight fraud against the republicans? Knowing his stupid ass, his brain and mouth do not work well together.

    We know it’s not true, in fact it’s the opposite, but the lying ass will say anything to gain an edge. He is dumb as f***, so there is no telling what he actually meant, but I do believe it was a slip.

  3. It’s of a pair with the most extensive and elusive candidate fraud ever. The guy has called a lid on the entire last week of the race. Biden is canceling rallies because they’re turning into Trump rallies. And now Kamala and surrogates for The Human Lid are campaigning outside early voting centers. These people are brazen, lawless, evil and desperate. Nothing they say or do shocks me anymore.

  4. Ha ha ha! POTUS played this at his NH rally yesterday. Along with the hairy legs and Bernie confronting him on social security.
    Which was awesome. I got ten seconds on WMTW and my daughter came with me.

  5. Arrogance – not a “slip” – Freudian or otherwise.
    Same as bragging about getting the Prosecutor fired.
    They can’t help but rub our noses in our (seeming) inability to see through their schemes.
    Brazen arrogance – Satan swearing revenge as he was thrust into Hell – Hitler plotting his counterstroke from the fetid depths of his bunker while the armies of the Soviet Union destroyed Berlin – Stalin in the throes of a stroke demanding that all the Jewish doctors be rounded up and sent to the Gulag.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Sounds like this, remember?

    Back in 2014 Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told Roland Martin in a February interview.

    Waters: “Obama has put in place the kind of database… will have everything on every individual.”

    Before It’s News has the transcript:

    “The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life.

    Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.

    “That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said.

    “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”


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