John Boehner Is Mike Johnson’s Mentor – IOTW Report

John Boehner Is Mike Johnson’s Mentor


John Boehner, the conservative nemesis turned lobbyist ousted from the speakership in 2015 for pushing Obama administration priorities, has reportedly emerged as a “quiet mentor” to Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Boehner — “an establishment Republican who was speaker a decade ago chronologically, but an eon ago in the GOP’s radical evolution — has become a surprising tutor” to Johnson, Axios reported Monday. MORE

16 Comments on John Boehner Is Mike Johnson’s Mentor

  1. “Boehner — has become a surprising tutor” to Johnson,

    So the little fucker is another sock puppet.
    And are you surprised these Uniparty POSs never really go away?

  2. Figures
    I don’t see any real manly men in DC.
    Ya, Jordan and company yell at people but are impotent when it comes to actually doing something useful.

  3. There is literally no hope for this country at the federal level. The plan is to stage forever wars abroad, loot the treasury, and put hateful, stupid negroes in charge of domestic life at home because they like murdering for sport.

  4. Boehner, Paul Ryan and Johnson are masquerading as principled republicans (of which there are few).
    All three liars have told the citizens one thing and do the opposite, all to the detriment to the US.
    Pelosi, Schumer and McCONnell have no closer ideological supporters.

  5. when the judiciary has become weaponized it is the house and senate who is responsible for the check and balance of power. and visa versa. it appears the 3 branches of government have colluded to protect each other from the checks and balance. similarly the executive branch has allowed a foreign invasion with but whimper from the other branches. biden has outright negated the highest court ruling to the unconstitutional student loan forgiveness, working around the judicial branch of government. the 3 branches of government are a union of power bent on the protection of each other. this form of government will destroy the civility of america. after the trump communist court ruling to imprison the election opposition, the house should have immediately called for shuttering of the judicial system. this is weaponized government to further remove the voice of the people. wonder if we get a check on the balance of power if obama went to jail? the weaponized power will continue for as long as we recognize the communist power. recognition is the first step to repentance and politics. no need for any action but self preservation. the first step is “no thank you, i will not recognize your authority”.

  6. if the current executive branch “biden” does not recognize the authority of the highest court in the land “judicial branch”, why should we? follow the example. in a nationally civil country this a legally arguable point.

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