John Bolton Reminds Us Why Rand Paul Was Right to Block Him From Becoming Secretary of State – IOTW Report

John Bolton Reminds Us Why Rand Paul Was Right to Block Him From Becoming Secretary of State

h/t Brad.

Based Politics:
John Bolton casually admitted in an interview on Tuesday that he has helped planned coups abroad.

CNN: “One doesn’t have to be brilliant to attempt a coup”

BOLTON: “I disagree with that. As somebody who has helped plan coups, not here but other places…”

Um… excuse me, what?

Afterward, Sen. Rand Paul said that blocking Bolton from becoming secretary of state in 2016 was one of his “proudest moments.” more here

5 Comments on John Bolton Reminds Us Why Rand Paul Was Right to Block Him From Becoming Secretary of State

  1. I’m a big DJT fan. But I’m amazed he re-posted this. Donald, what were you thinking. I desperately want to see Trump, the Impaler, serve a second term and take no prisoners. If Trump the “Unifier” shows up, we’re in deep shit. Our enemies deserve a painful death. Rotting in prison. The big conundrum is, the guy had the best policies of any President. Way above the head of some one like DeSantis. As much as I like the guy, that’s the truth.
    As far as that piece of shit traitor Bolton goes, as stupid as he looks with that mustache, imagine what he would look like without it. A 65 year old Eddie Haskell. Fuck that traitor.
    DJT you better be bringing your A game.

  2. Brad you need desperate mental help. The term completely delusional applies in your case.
    You don’t want America but some form of a third world dictatorship. When he loses again I see you having a mental breakdown.

  3. Dr. Paul is a “squared away” guy!

    Most of Don’s failures were people. As here.

    Don was still head and shoulders better than any President the last 21 years!


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