John Brennan blocked from accessing classified information – IOTW Report

John Brennan blocked from accessing classified information

Wa Ex: Former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of President Trump, found out he had been blocked from accessing his classified notes and records while working on his new memoir.

He writes in his forthcoming book, Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad, that after months of “haggling” he discovered the CIA was abiding by the directive Trump gave in August 2018 “that purportedly forbids anyone in the intelligence community from sharing classified information with me.”

The White House confirmed the directive was being enforced, which is news considering the New York Times reported in May of last year that the president never revoked Brennan’s security clearance.

“The President has constitutional authority to control access to classified information, which he exercised here in view of Mr. Brennan’s erratic behavior and the President’s belief that access to classified information should be solely for the benefit of the government and the American people,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said. more

31 Comments on John Brennan blocked from accessing classified information

  1. “Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad”. What a sorry little pussy he is. There is a good book that leads with Undaunted in the title. “Undaunted Courage” is a good book about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. That’s a book worth reading, Brennan’s book, no thanks!

  2. One of the best examples of why people should lose their security clearance when they leave. Someone tell me why unqualified people who are given clearance when they take a job should keep it.

  3. No matter. He was probably going to make it all up anyway.

    John Brennan, novelist.

    @TRF…If I had a Great Dane, I’d call him “Humper”. Nobody would mess with him.

  4. It is common for these former heads to have access for several years for continuity of investigations, but in the case of this narcissist asshole it would not surprise me if he was allowed continued access so that they could monitor his leaks, behavior & treasonous behavior.

    Like letting a dog run until the chain snaps back his neck. I just want to see him and the others dragged through the courts 10 times worse than Flynn.

  5. I held a security clearance during my time on active duty with the US Military. That clearance was revoked THE DAY my enlistment ended. It had to be re-established when I got a job that required a similar level of clearance and that took a little bit of time. I fully expect if I should quit my current job, my clearance will be revoked that very same day again – as it should be!

    How is it these deep state moles manage to retain clearances they have no requirement to maintain and no need to keep?

  6. His clearance should have been suspended when he left Federal employment. There are two factors for being read in on classified material: clearance level and need to know. The latter became zero when he left the government.

    Usually, clearances are deactivated, but still valid for the duration of the clearance, in the event personnel obtain a position with an industry partner (i.e. contractor defense).

  7. JB seems to be trying to convince people the information in his book is going to truthful, based on records of the events as they happened.

    Rather than lies, and fiction. Asking for access to the classified records is just a cover, to gain credibility that he actually reviewed the records to get the story straight. He has no intention on reviewing them. He just wants people to think he did. But now he can’t. Oppsie.

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