John Delaney (D) Booed by California Democrats After Criticizing Medicare for All – IOTW Report

John Delaney (D) Booed by California Democrats After Criticizing Medicare for All

WFB: Progressive activists at the California Democratic Party convention booed presidential candidate John Delaney after he criticized Medicare for All during a speech Sunday afternoon.

“Medicare for all may sound good but it’s actually not good policy nor is it good politics,” Delaney, a former U.S. Representative from Maryland, said during his speech.

The audience quickly jeered and booed, interrupting Delaney’s speech.

“We should have universal healthcare,” Delaney exclaimed four times in a row in an attempt to reclaim the support of those in attendance.

As the audience quieted down, Delaney returned to his speech telling the convention-goers, “we can have universal healthcare but it shouldn’t be a kind of healthcare that kicks 150 million Americans off their healthcare. That’s not smart policy.”

Again the audience responded to Delaney’s critique of the healthcare policy, endorsed by Democratic presidential candidates such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), Kamala Harris (D., Calif.), and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), with shouts and boos.  

7 Comments on John Delaney (D) Booed by California Democrats After Criticizing Medicare for All

  1. They tried to rehabilitate Will on CBS on Sunday to pimp his new book.

    Oddly enough, it’s not titled Intestate: Career Death And A New Will”.

  2. I gave up on Will way back when he was pushing for the release of control and surrender of the Panama Canal. I’ve never had any use for the snotty bastard after that.


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