John Dowd: More evidence coming that shows Mueller report ‘is a fraud’ – IOTW Report

John Dowd: More evidence coming that shows Mueller report ‘is a fraud’

WaEx: Former Trump lawyer John Dowd predicted multiple instances of special counsel Robert Mueller misleading the public in his report will be revealed.

During an interview on Fox News, Dowd said he was glad a federal judge released the transcript of a voicemail he left for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s lawyer Rob Kelner shortly after he agreed to cooperate with Mueller.

“We now know the truth,” he told host Sean Hannity.

Mueller referenced parts of the Nov. 22, 2017, voicemail in his final report about how Dowd asked for a “heads up” if Flynn knew information that “implicates” Trump after Flynn dropped from a joint defense agreement with the president.

Defenders of the president, including Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., have highlighted how parts of the transcript were left out, including Dowd saying his request was “not only for the president, but for the country,” he was not asking for confidential information, and he did not appear to be certain that Flynn had decided to cooperate with Mueller’s team.

“We also know this entire report by Mueller is a fraud. And we’re going to find more of these things,” Dowd said. He resigned as Trump’s lead counsel for the Mueller investigation in March 2018.  more

7 Comments on John Dowd: More evidence coming that shows Mueller report ‘is a fraud’

  1. There has already been reams of evidence proving wrongdoing about all kinds of people in various agencies yet the DOJ past and present has let the matters slide. Can’t say this story makes my legs tingle or gets my nipples hard. Same old song and dance.

  2. Like any good stage magician, the Deep State denizens know how to misdirect your gaze to avoid seeing what’s really going on; Mueller wasn’t in charge, he was the figurehead.
    Rather than debate subpoenaing Mueller, let’s subpoena Weissman…..he’s the guy who should be shitting in his pants if called to testify because he’s the one who called the shots and lied to the courts.

  3. The Mueller “investigation” was never about serving the interest of Justice. It was never about serving the interest of the American people and protecting their elections. This so-called investigation was purely to serve the interests of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party.

    While I’m encouraged by what I’ve heard Barr say in testimonies and interviews, I’m not convinced of his ultimate loyalties. He seems to be validating the “Russians hacked our infrastructure” findings of the “report” and thus legitimizing the investigation. This whole thing is a farce and it’s all been known without any assistance from Barr. But he’s looking into it as “some things just don’t hang together.” Good enough. Let’s get on it.

  4. I doubt Mueller even knows what’s in the “Mueller report”.

    No worries though, former Watergate rat-thug John Dean will be testifying next week as to what’s in the report and what it all means. I’m sure he knows as much as Mueller.

  5. Is that 🍿 popcorn buttered with nonclarified butter?

    Or is it that nonGMO junk slathered with polyunsaturated vegetable oil spread chockful of transfats?


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