John Hinckley to be freed on unconditional release – IOTW Report

John Hinckley to be freed on unconditional release

PM: John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate then-President Ronald Reagan in 1981, is slated to be freed on unconditional release next year.

Hinckley shot Reagan in Washington, DC, along with three others, in a failed attempt on the former president’s life. Hinckley’s lawyer said the “momentous event” of full release next June is both appropriate and required by the law. more here

17 Comments on John Hinckley to be freed on unconditional release

  1. I just remembered when that shooting happened.
    I was in a mall and they had TV’s in the middle and everyone was glued to the news.
    I was apolitical then…good times.
    That said, I was old enough to vote for Reagan’s second term.
    My first vote ever was a true success.
    My latest vote didn’t count or was stolen from me…sigh*

  2. I hope someone is there to “meet & greet” (with a 9mm lead pellet infusion) Hinkley while he’s walking out the prison gate.


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