John Kasich: Messenger of God – IOTW Report

John Kasich: Messenger of God

Patriot Retort: I’ve always suspected John Kasich had delusions of grandeur.

Despite the fact that he couldn’t eke out a primary win in any state but his own, John remained convinced that he was the Chosen Republican to lead the party into a staggering 2016 loss.

After voters showed him how completely underwhelmed they were with him, Kasich doubled down on his sanctimonious twaddle.

And lately, he seems to have anointed himself the Messenger of God.

The problem Kasich has is he mistakes fawning coverage on CNN and NBC as proof positive that his evangelical self-promotion is a big crowd-pleaser in the rest of the country.

But the only “Good News” this Messenger of God brings has precious little to do with the Gospel and a heck of lot more to do with feeding his over-weaning ego.


Yesterday, the Messenger of God appeared on CNN to order Americans to accept the thousands of Central American invaders who are making their way to our sovereign border. read more

10 Comments on John Kasich: Messenger of God

  1. CNN…. yeah, there’s a BIG endorsement for creds! John Kasich signed the Republican Loyalty Pledge to support the Republican nominee, who ever it was, and then also told us on national television that he would support Donald Trump. We watched him reneg on both promises as well as embarrass himself by asking the Republicans to have their convention in Cleveland and then not show up. He has demonstrated beyond any doubt that both his signature and his word mean absolutely nothing!
    With his words a man makes covenant and his signature is evidence of his covenant.
    A man is only as good as his word. If a man says he will do something, he does it.
    If a man makes a promise, he keeps it.
    If a man signs his name to a document, he abides by the all rules and statements of the document.
    When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility.
    When a man breaks his word, he is a not a man, he is a boy, and should be treated as such.
    Real men know and understand this. A man´s word is the measure of his character and his integrity. John Kasich has neither. He is a vindictive, pathetic liar. He is navel lint. This Piece Of Shit is a worthless, gutless welch who is in no way qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust!

  2. “John Kasich had delusions of grandeur.”?

    How bout “delusions of adequacy?”

    The guy’s an unprincipled, amoral, money-grubbing, self-promoter who doesn’t give a flying fig about facts, America, or the future of the Republic.

    He’ll always have a following among the … uh … “intellectually challenged.”
    And the Propaganda Press is using him as a tool in the fool parade – exemplifying the squishy, Menshevik “republicans” as the “centrist leaders” of the “right.”
    Basically asking America: “Here! Look at this moron! THIS is a ‘Centrist Republican!’ do you want it to have any power? Vote Nihilistic Totalitarian Demonrat and get the REAL THING! not this wishy-washy greedy stooge of the Wall Street Bankers and Big Oil!”

    Dude can’t seem to wake up out of his weird fever nightmare.

    izlamo delenda est …


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