John Kelly once called Elizabeth Warren “an impolite arrogant woman” – IOTW Report

John Kelly once called Elizabeth Warren “an impolite arrogant woman”

Oh, the faux rage from Fauxcahontas!

Patriot Retort:

John Kelly was too kind.

Buzzfeed obtained a February 2017 email in which then Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren as “an impolite arrogant woman.”

Naturally, we’re supposed to be super upset.

And I am.

But mostly because John Kelly was being too kind.

Though Liz is both impolite and arrogant, I can think of a few other choice adjectives to use to describe her. For example, at one point, I referred to her as a cold, heartless witch.

Of course, Liz isn’t taking the news at all well. In fact, she’s on the warpath!

In an impolite and arrogant thread on Twitter, Liz unleashed her rage.  more here

7 Comments on John Kelly once called Elizabeth Warren “an impolite arrogant woman”

  1. I think he may have been misquoted.
    When my guys were killing Huns a Belleau Woods (We were outnumbered 9.1:1 at the start; 4:1 when thethey began their orderly retreat (reverse leapfrog; no running away fighting as they went away, the Huns unlike the Frogs were not cowards.) (I am a former 5th Marine- I clearly “have a dog in this fight”)our grenadiers carried 8 gage shotguns. One (a minor one but an important one) of the reasons we killed 800% more Huns than they did Jarheads. Their High Command went to the Hague and said we were breaking the “Law of War”. The Hague went to Gen LeJune and said something like “What do you have to say for yourselves?” The good Gen said, “Your mustard and phosgene gases have maimed over 3,000,000 English speaking warriors, and killed over 500,000. And you are complaining that a handful of grenadiers killed a few thousand Huns. KISS MY ASS! In Hun talk – Lech mien a mesh!

    I think Kelly – who is like this guy an ex Jarhead – said something much stronger! If he did not I hope he returns his E,G+A.


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