John Kerry Flew Private Jet to Iceland to Receive ‘Environmental Award’ – IOTW Report

John Kerry Flew Private Jet to Iceland to Receive ‘Environmental Award’

Neon Nettle;

John Kerry, Joe Biden’s recently appointed climate czar, flew to Iceland on a private jet to receive the Arctic Circle award for climate leadership, according to reports.

Kerry defended his gas guzzling choice of travel, calling it “the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle.”

The interview was obtained by Fox News and has not been previously reported in the American press.

Kerry faced criticism from Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, who led the Arctic Circle Roundtable, for using his private jet, the Icelandic outlet RUV reported.

Kerry received the award for being “a consistent voice pressuring the American authorities to commit to tackling environmental matters,” the outlet noted. more

25 Comments on John Kerry Flew Private Jet to Iceland to Receive ‘Environmental Award’

  1. Of all the pieces of shit in our federal government, John Kerry is a special piece of shit. You just gotta wonder how a total loser like that got so far up in our government

  2. They’re not hypocrites. That would imply they believe that global warming horse manure to begin with. They know it’s a hoax. They support it because it gives commie gov’t more control over the people and allows them to enrich their cronies who give huge campaign contributions.

    In other news, the republicans in the house voted to keep liz cheney in leadership. Presumably they think the republican house caucus should be about impeaching their president and making sure that a democrat wins the election. This comes right after Mccarthy had a meeting with Marjorie Taylor Green to tell her to stfu.

    How can there possibly be a republican voter that doesn’t know republican pols are closet democrats. Which is why i’ve had it with republican voters. They are enemies, too.

  3. Brad, total losers are the ones who always end up losing, not the ones who always end up winning.

    The Right has been destroyed, and will never recover, because they refuse to recognize this and dismiss both the strength and the abilities of the Leftists, preferring to mock them instead of taking them seriously to assess them and what they are capable of.

    Politics follows the same ruled of winning and losing as war does, try studying The Art of War and analyzing the situation by it’s principles and you will start understand things such as winning and losing.

  4. “In other news, the republicans in the house voted to keep liz cheney in leadership.”

    How many people were foolish enough, or just plain dumb enough, to expect anything different?

  5. “Brad, total losers are the ones who always end up losing, not the ones who always end up winning.”

    At the end of the day this moron has to realize he’s committed his entire life to the lunacy and hypocrisy of the left. That can’t be very satisfying. A loser.

  6. ” That can’t be very satisfying.”

    AT the end of the day, he will realize he has accomplished all he set out to do and chose the right means to do it.

    That has to be very satisfying, both accomplishing his goals and realizing what would get him there. It has nothing to do with anything other than coming out on top by any means that work, seeming hypocrisy makes no difference if it serves the intended purpose.

    You really think Kerry is some kind of altruistic idealist or something?

  7. This is why I usually don’t communicate with Anons and why so many of us hate them. Are you the same non descript unidentifiable Anon as above? Just asking. Get a damn screen name

  8. “This is why I usually don’t communicate with Anons and why so many of us hate them.”

    Because they tend to tell the truth and you just don’t want to hear it?

    Keep doing that, and keep losing, it’s easier than facing the truth and developing a real strategy that will win instead of lose.

  9. @ Brad FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 10:14 AM

    I have multiple family members who practice in the medical field in Seattle and Portland. All patients fill out detailed medical history. Practically every single one of their patients condition they are being treated by my relatives for is exacerbated by… major depression and/or the anti-depressant drugs they are taking.

    They are miserable sonsabitches and for good reason. And never forget the old axiom: Misery loves company.

    Keep that in mind when they are telling you that your life is screwed up and you are on the losing team.

  10. ” how a total loser like that got so far up in our government”

    Actually Brad you can get an even higher position with a pair of these:

    KOMMIELAS $12.98/pr
    Kneepads for those with vice presidential ambitions

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