John Kerry Gets Confronted At Davos For Creating His Own Huge Carbon Impact – IOTW Report

John Kerry Gets Confronted At Davos For Creating His Own Huge Carbon Impact

He got very upset.

26 Comments on John Kerry Gets Confronted At Davos For Creating His Own Huge Carbon Impact

  1. Time for the obligatory Kerry rant – –
    Good ole Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome (who’s favorite pick-up line is Hay Babe!)
    The man is so incompetent he couldn’t pour the piss out of a riding boot if the instructions were written on the heel… which explains why this preening Dumbshit is still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune and is precisely why he wuz picked to be “Climate Envoy”!

    And so Mr Future Glue-Stick… you are a Fluke of the Universe.
You have no right to be here.

    Go placidly amid the noise and waste. And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece of a hedge fund.
    Avoid brilliant and strong persons.
    Inflate your record.
    Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself (even though in your own mind there be none) and heed well their advice, even though they be imbeciles.
    Know Hu to bow to…..and Wen!
    Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that THREE…do.
    Whenever possible, avoid decisions.
    Exaggerate your achievements and cloak your plans in “Transparency”.
    Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment, despite the changing fortunes of time, there will always be a big future in tax write-offs.
    Strive at all times to lie, deceive, seal records and destroy emails.
    Whilst you wallow in vast Carbon Footprint of Bullshit, remember the USS Gridley!
    Know yourself. If you need help, call Madam Nguyen Thi Binh.
    Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
 especially with those persons closest to you – that two-faced, filthy rat-bastard Michael Avenatti for example.
    Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls would drown your shallow, wind-surfing ass!
    May the Moose flies of time forever infest your Cape Cod fillet sandwiches.
    Hire Imams with hooks and sing Sheik Yerbouhti.
    For a good time, call 1-800-606-4311. Ask for Alex.
    Take heart, in the deepening gloom, that your wife is finally getting enough Gin.
    Reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot,
it could only be worse in Kennebunkport.
    Therefore, make peace with your god,
whether you conceive him to be a Cosmic Pedophile or a French Baguette.
    You are a Fluke of the Universe.
    You have no right to be here.

    And whether you can hear it or not
the Universe is laughing behind your back.

  2. Harry,
    I liked it. Would be that much better if you could add in that Crypto Grifting Turd Anthony Scarramuchi into the mix. It would add more sour to the tang.

  3. One of my most memorable moments was seeing John Kerry being chauffeured in his big black oversized SUV pulling out of the Senate office building in DC.
    He was stopped at the traffic light. We made prolonged eye contact. I flipped him off.
    I felt good about that.

  4. So Lurch was confronted by a pesky reporter who decided to do real journalism for a moment .. yawn 🥱

    Wake me up when Kerry and the rest of the Davos swine get “confronted” by a hypersonic ballistic missile

  5. A man who marries for money could be considered to be an ambitious and driven personality, willing to tolerate a great sacrifice in return for a great monetary reward.

    A man who marries for money a second time is just human scum.

  6. “Little Johnnie Heinz says he buys carbon credits”

    LOL, since I first learned Johnnie was Mr. Heinz, Mrs Heinz human dildo, I’ve not purchased a single thing Heinz. The guy disgusts me.

  7. carbon credits: where you pay to pollute as much as you want!
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd if yer really Elite, no one’s counting cuz these narcissists know they can (and will) say anything they want.

  8. DAVOS MAN…….

    “Yet ss we have argued before: Climate is Davos Man’s greatest hobbyhorse. It is his central fixation.
    Climate change is, after all, a menace truly global. Only a concerted global effort can rout it.
    And the weaponry required is readily on offer: Centralized economic planning, taxation, wealth redistribution… all on a global scale.
    Imagine it — placing a taxable claim on the very respiration of civilization — carbon dioxide.
    Old Archimedes claimed he could move the world with a lever of adequate length:
    “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”
    Carbon dioxide is Davos Man’s lever. The alpine city of Davos is his fulcrum.
    From there he intends to move the world.”

    Daily Reckoning, Brian Mahar


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