John Kerry Knew The State Department Funneled Millions To His Daughter’s Charity – IOTW Report

John Kerry Knew The State Department Funneled Millions To His Daughter’s Charity

DailyCaller: Secretary of State John Kerry lauded a program run by his daughter’s nonprofit as he announced an extension of its non-competitively awarded Department of State funding in 2014, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.


“What we’re talking about here is a multi-million dollar effort that will strengthen the capacity of healthcare workers to deliver lifesaving HIV services,” Kerry said in December, 2014, at a World AIDS Day event. “[I]t will build on the Global Health Service Partnership with Peace Corps and Seed Global Health.”

The 2014 comments appear to conflict with more recent Department of State claims that Kerry “played no role” in official decisions to funnel more than $9 million in sole-source contracts with the nonprofit that recruits volunteer doctors and nurses to medical schools in Third World countries.


8 Comments on John Kerry Knew The State Department Funneled Millions To His Daughter’s Charity

  1. More political (family&contributors) patronage.

    Jobs, boards, commissions, no-bid contracts, non-competitive contracts, grants, rewards/gifts for Friends, Family, Contributors and political hacks.

    $100s of Millions wasted and misused, continuing the Clinton practice of corruption.

  2. The corruption is deep, endemic (to DC), systemic, pervasive, and no longer seriously attempting to be hidden. All the major political parties, the media, the FBI, the DoJ, the CIA, the SS, the local constabulary, the Armed Forces, and the NSA are directly, and indirectly, complicit. We did NOT go $20 Trillion in debt, while raising another $20 Trillion in revenue, to give the mexicans and negroes a life of luxury.

    The plundering of the Treasury is immense – and widespread – to make as many people complicit as possible – thus lessening the possibility of breaking ranks and holding anyone accountable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. just look at all the tax payer money they have to spend and the government power they have granted themselves over the years.

    who says it isn’t a corrupting force?
    they deem to place patronage over patriotism continually.
    they seem to think the laws they pass don’t pertain to them and pass laws which actually don’t.
    no matter how corrupt or perverted they are they are never held accountable by the criminal court system.
    they are never held accountable for the laws they do pass which only tends to make the situation they are trying to remedy worse.

    our whole political class is corrupt to the core because they have been granted too much money and power to use as they will.
    with no God to restrain them this is what is to be expected.

  4. Another PAID hit and run crime.

    Liberal philosophy:
    -do the crime, big. Grab what you can and run
    -get as many factions grabbing and running as you can! What are they going to do, arrest us all?
    -if you get caught, clam up, stall, be contemptuous, shred, shred, shred
    -don’t worry. Big power and big money have your back. After all, liberals know where all the skeletons are, having put many in that state, themselves.
    -there’s always executive pardons or a very large executive umbrella. Illegal? Hell, Holder is STILL under the damn Obama umbrella of executive Privilege.
    -congress has your back, so do what you want and are being paid to do

    Ever notice the ‘amateur’ rioters, turn from the crowd with lost expressions on their faces? It is amazing to see them wandering in the background. Are they mystified or looking for
    the payout line? Or perhaps wondering who the hell all of the out of towners are that are destroying their home!

  5. This is what happens when the military has the opportunity to frag someone on a boat in Vietnam and doesn’t seize the opportunity.

    This horses ass has done nothing but kick America in the teeth for the last 50 years. And we’ve allowed it.

    The same opportunity is now presenting itself with Hillary Clinton.

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