John Kerry on 2020: ‘I’m not running’ – IOTW Report

John Kerry on 2020: ‘I’m not running’


John Kerry has said he will be sitting on the sidelines in the 2020 presidential race.

The former secretary of state, who lost the 2004 presidential election as Democratic nominee against George W. Bush, said in November he was “not taking anything off the table” in whether he would challenge President Trump.

Kerry, 75, has since made up his mind and suggested he’ll throw his support behind Joe Biden, 76. more


20 Comments on John Kerry on 2020: ‘I’m not running’

  1. Kerry, 75, has since made up his mind and suggested he’ll throw his support behind Joe Biden, 76.

    …so now we know which Democrat Iran supports…

    …just remember, Mohammad says only A!!ah can pick your leaders, so when Muslims get into politics, it’s with the intention of picking the worst candidate to disrupt and destroy OUR system, so Shari’a can be implemented, and a new Caliph will be chosen for US…

  2. Harley Bob
    JUNE 10, 2019 AT 12:28 PM
    “He knows it would be to hard for him to run for President from Gitmo.”

    …and even HARDER when the only speech he’s allowed, is his final one on the trap door of the gallows, that he has to deliver with a coarse rope around his neck…

  3. Of course he’ll endorse Biden because Biden is his only insurance policy to avoid possible indictments for his own wrongdoings, just like Hillary was her own and Obama’s (et al) insurance policies.

  4. He still can’t sit or walk right since the reaming he received from the Swift Boat boys. Johnny probably is still suffering PTSD from what the Swift Boat boys did to him. …. …. Bwahahahaha

  5. forcibly deranged
    JUNE 10, 2019 AT 2:48 PM
    “BTW, do they make pillow cases long enough to cover his face?”

    …one of those body pillow ones should do, but they could use a garbage bag if they needed to. That would probably be more appropriate, actually…


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