John Kerry Overheard Discussing a Run for President – IOTW Report

John Kerry Overheard Discussing a Run for President

NBC News reported Sunday that Kerry was heard telling an unknown confidant on the phone at a Des Moines, Iowa, hotel about the steps he would need to take in order to enter the race, including stepping down from Bank of America’s board of directors.

Big-dollar donors loyal to Kerry would have to “raise a couple million” in order to get Kerry’s bid off the ground, he was reportedly heard saying, while adding that such donors were now facing “the reality of Bernie” and “the possibility of Bernie Sanders taking down the Democratic Party — down whole.” MORE

21 Comments on John Kerry Overheard Discussing a Run for President

  1. “Kerry was heard telling an unknown confidant on the phone”
    + nbc is all I need to know

    fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

    who believes any of these second hand accounts?

    besides democrat voters and msm talking heads and political operatives I mean?

  2. @Bad_Brad February 3, 2020 at 1:14 pm

    > The fact that this ass hole isn’t being prosecuted for violating the Logan Act boggles the mind.

    Well…. maybe Democratic primary voter minds. But “human” minds? Not so much.

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