John Kerry Says People Would ‘Feel Better’ About Ukraine Invasion if Russia Reduced Emissions – IOTW Report

John Kerry Says People Would ‘Feel Better’ About Ukraine Invasion if Russia Reduced Emissions


President Joe Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry on Tuesday appeared to suggest that people would “feel better” about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine if it released a plan to reduce emissions.

“Unfortunately, because of the actions that Russia took in an unprovoked, illegal war against another nation, we have not been engaged in discussions with Russia, sadly. I say, ‘sadly,’ because it’s a loss for the world not to be able to have Russia acting constructively on this issue,” Kerry said at a State Department foreign press briefing after a reporter asked him about climate relations between the United States and Russia. more

28 Comments on John Kerry Says People Would ‘Feel Better’ About Ukraine Invasion if Russia Reduced Emissions

  1. He still Biden’s Climate Shill? I thought he was gone. But I guess he never really goes away. I bet he ends up fronting for the 30×30 Movement…

    “…the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People (HAC) announced that 100 countries have now committed to its core mission to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and oceans by the end of the decade, also known as “30×30.”×30/

    …I hope so. If anyone can f—k up that Globalist planet-grab, it’s him. He’s been a pompous, do-nothing drag on everything he’s been put in charge of. And that includes his Swift boat.

  2. His level of competence continues to prove that some people can continue to breathe even with their head buried so far up their ass that the world does smell like greenhouse gas.

  3. Kerry’s chief achievement in life has been to marry extremely wealthy widows and betray our country. Dude must have a horse cock and has ridden it to fame and fortune. At age 83 his time is nearly up.

  4. Mental illness can present itself in a variety of ways. His thinking is beyond irrational, it has crossed over. We used to institutionalize people like this.

    Without the Heinz fortune behind him, he’d be on a streetcorner with a sandwich board over his neck proclaiming the end is near.

  5. Reminds me of that goofball from Arizona that asked a general what they were doing to ensure they were fighting a GREEN WAR!
    I think her name was Gabby something.

  6. I just read on Breitbart – some Yurp leaders (France, Poland), are eager to send troops to Ukraine to fight the Russians. An action like that will take a simple border war and make it a wider European war. We’ve had two of those bloodletters in the last 110 years. Nobody but crazy people want another one.

    To my knowledge, Russia has not threatened any western European state, except in the event that they attack Russia first.

    These western Yurp leaders don’t appear to understand that the Russia-Ukraine war is a border war and does not have to involve any other state.

    If any countries are dragging us to WWIII, it’s France and Poland, with the US and UK goading them on from the sidelines.

  7. I’m glad this fool hasn’t got the least hit brighter since the days he was lying to Congress about soldiers in Vietnam. He was completely tone deaf then and he still doesn’t understand how the world any better than Greta Thunberg does.

    He is simply comic relief on the great stage of life.

  8. “unprovoked, illegal war”??????????????????????????????????

    Unprovoked as in crossing into Israel, killing/torturing 1,200+ people, kidnapping 230 more people isn’t provocation?

    Kerry, you are a fool of Biblical proportions!

    Proverbs 18:2-3 Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions. When wickedness comes, so does contempt, and with shame comes reproach.

    Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

    Proverbs 12:15 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.

    Proverbs 12:23 The prudent keep their knowledge to themselves, but a fool’s heart blurts out folly.

    Proverbs 15:21 Folly brings joy to one who has no sense, but whoever has understanding keeps a straight course.

  9. Tim Buktu,

    Russia warned NATO to not accept the nations into their pact that are on Russia’s border. They didn’t listen and were talking to Ukraine about joining. Russia invaded Ukraine.

    Russia is warning everyone that, if NATO troops are sent to Ukraine, he just might retaliate by using nuclear weapons.

    The WEF and the left in the US wants Russia to fight because they want more people to die.

  10. A little late to the party, but I fell obligated to drop this here – –

    Monsieur Jon Fraud Gigolo Goodhair, the Flip-Flopping, Not-so-Swift-Boat, Medal-Tossing Moisturizing Metrosexual Moron, Cabana-Boy, Globull-Warming, precognitive meteorologist, and Politically Correct, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome (still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune who sez: “Don’t You Know Who I Am?”.

    Inquiring minds want to know: How the Hell did this guy ever get elected? Oh, that’s right … he’s from Massatwoshits where the same people elected Bawny Fwank… the old queer who slobbers more than a sheepdog on Novocain! This asshole is a conceited, egotistic, self-absorbed, swollen horse-headed, crooked, megalomaniacal moron! Shut up and eat yer Purina Cricket Chow Johnny Boi!

  11. Longface Kerry: “Unfortunately, because of the actions that Russia took in an unprovoked, illegal war against another nation, we have not been engaged in discussions with Russia, sadly”. BS. The Vietnam War was legal from our perspective, not so much from the Viet Cong perspective.

    Who the hell can define a war as illegal or legal? Who is to make that determination? The Hague Convention? What a joke. When it comes to war, every combatant is going to say it’s legal. What country that goes to war would possibly say it is involved in an illegal war? Kerry is full of shit.

    Russia can easily claim it was provoked and so can Ukraine. That’s all a “legal” war needs, IMO. All warring countries can say that.


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