John Kerry set to quit as climate czar post. Is he running for president? – IOTW Report

John Kerry set to quit as climate czar post. Is he running for president?

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

John Kerry, who’s Joe Biden’s “climate czar,” is getting ready to de-report for doody.

According to Axios:

Special climate envoy John Kerry is actively considering leaving the Biden administration after next month’s COP27 summit, soliciting advice from friends and colleagues on how to stay involved in climate efforts from the private sector, according to people familiar with the matter.

Why it matters: President Biden has relied on Kerry, a former secretary of state, long-time senator and the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, to corral more multilateral buy-in for emissions cuts and keep climate on the radar despite economic headwinds and the Russia crisis.

Which is weird stuff.

After all, as climate czar, doesn’t Lurch have it made?

He gallivants around the world leaving a humongous carbon trail on a private jet intoning to rapt audiences about the airware greenie agenda, in what’s effectively a job that’s all perks, no work. Since global warming is fake, but rich greenies refuse to read the science, that makes it a job where no performance is required, let alone results. No need to make the world a greener place by the numbers, all he has to do is jet around with that carbon trail, and tuck into the lobster, the chateaubrand, the Chivas Regal, the foie gras, and whatever else the fancy nations of the world are serving to him, along with the girls, girls, girls, as he drones and intones. MORE

28 Comments on John Kerry set to quit as climate czar post. Is he running for president?

  1. Seems standard left stuff. Ignore the “white”, the preaching of the left, etc. I am better than you, and even if I am not the evil self-proclaimed stereotypical person, you should still vote for me.

  2. No way the 2024 Dem primary won’t be entertaining as hell. If Joek runs there will be several that don’t think he can hack it, and if he doesn’t it will be a free-for-all with fingers pointed in every direction.

  3. Little Johnny Heinz, reporting for duty. Just roll out the bunny suit pictures again.

    Anyhoo, I’m wondering how much a gig like Climate Czar pays and where do you apply for a sweet sinecure like that? Asking for a friend.

  4. “…soliciting advice from friends and colleagues on how to stay involved in climate efforts from the private sector…”

    He must not be making much money selling his government gig. If the USG were a Monopoly board, SOS Hillary was collecting rent from Park Place, and Climate Czar Kerry has one house on Baltic Avenue. Good thing his rich wife is the banker.

  5. “Yawn “Ketchup” Kerry is trying to Catch Up to O’Bumble the fake man.”

    Anon might be on to something here. I can see this asshole looking in the mirror, asking why not me? After all, I have movie star looks. I look just like Mr. Ed. WILBUR. God I’m old.

  6. …sure would be nice if satan would take at least SOME of his children home, but noooo, we have to have the SAME grifters runninng the SAME scams with the SAME rigged elections and the SAME fawning media over and over and over, for years and decades and sometimes seems like centuries…


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