John Kerry’s Spokesperson Admitted He Is Actively Violating The Logan Act – IOTW Report

John Kerry’s Spokesperson Admitted He Is Actively Violating The Logan Act


John Kerry is in the hot seat after new reports revealed that former President Obama’s Secretary of State was actively working with his Iranian counterparts to keep the Iran Nuclear Deal in place.

The Boston Globe reported Friday that Kerry has been secretly meeting with politicians and diplomats around the world in an attempt to salvage the future of the Iran nuclear deal and undermine the current administration.

According to The Globe, Kerry met with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif multiple times over the last few months. He also met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, French President Emmanuel Macron and multiple members of Congress here in the United States.

According to Fox News political reporter Brooke Singman, a Kerry spokesperson admitted the reports were accurate, telling the news outlet that “Secretary Kerry stays in touch with his former counterparts around the world,” and that Kerry was working to make sure the tenants of the Iran Deal “remain effective.”  read more

23 Comments on John Kerry’s Spokesperson Admitted He Is Actively Violating The Logan Act

  1. Yeah, well about that. Kerry is part of the political protected class and therefore immune to the laws that would be applied with utmost vigor on the rest of us deplorables.

  2. Just the tip of the iceberg — why have a Logan Act at all, if it is never enforced? Kerry is a fifth column, working within the USA to undermine our government.
    Just arrest this traitor and prosecute him !

  3. I read that Kerry actually has family ties with Iran from a marriage. This guy has been a traitor all his adult life and it seems he’s free to continue doing so. I say put him against a wall and form a firing squad. Let him die a traitors death.

  4. It’s funny how the same media which last year was writing us tutorials and explainers on the sacred Logan Act, and the heinous violations of it by various Trump associates, is now smirking about the silly, toothless Logan Act as it pertains to Lurch. My hunch is that Lurch’s corruption has yet to be uncovered, and when it is, he’ll be less free to roam the globe in the short periods between conclaves with his lawyers.

  5. Doesn’t it seem like “Traitor” is part of the litmus test the Democrats use to determine if one is qualified to be their Presidential candidate, at least for the past few decades?

  6. Jeff? Ya might want to look into this …

    Does Kerry still have SS protection?
    How is he obtaining visas, &c., (that nobody’s aware) to commit these treasons?
    Who are his enablers?
    He’s been pulling this shit since he sat with North Vietnam in Paris – why?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Hang him from the nearest tree as his crimes are a clear and present danger to the current President’s policies and desires.

    If we let Lurch’s traitorous activity pass then we are admitting that elections are meaningless and the president is an empty office only useful as a target of scorn.

  8. Its laughable that Kerry still thinks he is relevant in some way. Well, maybe on behalf of America’s enemies he is. Still he must deep down be thinking that if he pulls this off he’ll finally get that Nobel Peace prize he felt he should have gotten in the 70’s.

    For the lib troll, I have actually never heard anybody say Kerry felt he should have gotten a Nobel, but deep down I bet he thought he would get it. Then after Obummer got his for basically showing up to work at 10AM, Kerry probably thinks this time he’ll get it for betraying America to the Aytollahs.

  9. “kerry has been secretly meeting with politicians and diplomats around the world”

    “laws ?
    what laws ?
    we don’t need your stinking laws !”

    say it with a mexican accent.

    professional politicians who write the laws rarely follow them.

  10. Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian American with extensive ties in Iran. This salient fact was never brought up in confirmation hearings. Clear conflict of interest and a way to blackmail Kerry while Secretary of State. Of course he never should have been confirmed.

  11. Who does Trump need to talk to in order to get Lurch’s passport/visa revoked so he has to stay in Iran with his Islamic-Terror “Death to America” compatriots and colluders?

    Quick, someone get Bob Mule(r) on the phone. Oh wait….

  12. Imagine if a conservative, say Bolton, or even Sarah Palin, went rogue and just decided to ‘negotiate’ American interests with another nation. Russia?

    Liberals’ heads would explode, they’d be foaming at the mouth and smashing windows everywhere.

    It’s not about politics, it’s about THE LAW.
    Arrest and Detain Kerry. NOW.

    Let alone he acts in his own financial interest. W.T.F. !!!

  13. We don’t have to imagine. They are bankrupting Michael Flynn for having done less than what Kerry is doing in Trump’s stead after he won the election.

  14. Did Sessions attend school with Kerry and Mueller or does he just want to hang out with the rich guys?

    Somebody, please wakes Jeff up. Or did sessions recuse himself because he served with Kerry during a portion of his 28 years in the senate?

    Elite covering for the elite?

  15. Appoint a special counsel to get to the bottom of this. Of course, the SC will also be empowered to pursue anything else that strikes his fancy, and have the resources and information of the CIA and NSA at his disposal.


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