John Kirby Struggles to Name a Single Biden Foreign Policy Achievement – IOTW Report

John Kirby Struggles to Name a Single Biden Foreign Policy Achievement


NSC spokesman John Kirby struggled to name a single foreign policy achievement this year under the Biden Administration. 

This week, Kirby was asked to explain President Joe Biden’s “foreign policy achievement of the year.” However, the official failed to answer the question correctly because, honestly, the president has had a lack of success. 

“What would the president say is his foreign policy achievement of the year?” CBS News’ Ed O’Keefe asked. 

“There’s a lot that we’ve achieved in foreign policy, and Karine’s already made sure that you know that we’re running late, and I don’t want to belabor this. So, this answer could go on for like 20 minutes,” Kirby started.

His answer included a lot of nonsense fluff that made it sound like Biden has achieved things.  MORE

15 Comments on John Kirby Struggles to Name a Single Biden Foreign Policy Achievement

  1. Too cowardly to even admit how much money they extorted out of congress for Ukraine. You’d think they’d claim that as an achievement with how cravenly they’ve sought all that taxpayer money for Zelensky.

  2. “This week, Kirby was asked to explain President Joe Biden’s “foreign policy achievement of the year.” However, the official failed to answer the question correctly because, honestly, the president has had a lack of success. ”

    …what? He did a FABULOUS job of tearing down the United States and destroying its prestige and military might around the world even as he assisted foreign government invaders in infiltrating the entire country, very successfully and exactly as planned.

    THAT’S his foreign policy success.

    It’s just that you have to understand the actual foreign policy GOALS to understand how his Communist masters can define this as a true success from a certain point of view..

  3. Dozens and dozens of nations around the world have seen their costs go down as their parasites, criminals, and military-age men have been exported to the glorious and beyond bankrupt US. That certainly has to buy us some good favor with these nations.

  4. …many of those relationships let lapse by the previous administration.

    After all that blabbering, he makes his way to blame the foreign policy NON-ACHIEVEMENT of the year, of this incumbent president, on Trump.

    TRUMP 2024

  5. Kirby, like many other Biden cabinet choices was completely planned all along. They pick the least articulate, low IQ, take America down people. Their lives wont change because they consider themselves royalty, above all the peasants. I can’t stand listening to any of them. But you see that’s part of the plan also. So annoying general public turns them off, resulting in lower voter intelligence on current events under Dementia’s failed term

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