John McCain Casket Nearly Dropped By Honor Guard – IOTW Report

John McCain Casket Nearly Dropped By Honor Guard

30 Comments on John McCain Casket Nearly Dropped By Honor Guard

  1. John McCain wasn’t their brother.
    I’m sure you remember the old song lyric – he ain’t heavy he’s my brother.

    JM’s casket was also extra heavy from all the praise heaped upon him over the last several days.
    Plus perhaps there’s a super strong magnetic-like pull downward toward his new eternal home. FDR and many others are anxious to get the party fired up, John is the guest of honor for at least the next five days, and they’re trying to hasten the arrival time.

  2. Ring the bell, close the book, quench the candle. Let the exorcism begin.

    Perhaps President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton will let us use one of her towels to wipe his memory clean, but historians might just remember him for passing the Golden Showers Dossier on to Comey in order to slander his successful rival. Maybe that’s his real legacy. He was a man willing to help destroy the Presidency of Donald J. Trump, because it served his real purpose in the Senate: bipartisan obstruction of Conservative Principles.

  3. Anyone remember when the honor guard bearing the Ayatollah Khomeini’s casket dropped it during his funeral procession, if I remember right they executed them for desecrating his funeral. And the Cubans didn’t do much better when Castro died. My favorite scene is from the movie Mouse Hunt where the pallbearers carrying the casket of the two idiots (the mouse hunters) father dropped the casket down a large open manhole.

  4. A message to Meg. You bloated bleached leech, exactly what kind of man would put his wife, children, family, military and most importantly his country through five days of bull CHIT. Only a man so narcissistic that reality no longer exists. The president of the United States Donald Trump graciously offered the use of Air Force 2 to fly the the obstinate old fool state to state .

    A man who sponsored nearly 800 bills with only 17 of them passing is who. A man who thought he was so important he could walk on water. John McCain was a nasty mean man, who suffered a nasty mean death. But he made America pay for it. Such requests could be made only by a man who thought he was God himself.

    Wake up Buttercup finally the era is over.

  5. This RINO is no more. He has ceased to be. He’s expired and gone to meet his maker. This is a late RINO.

    He’s a stiff. Bereft of life, he rests in peace.

    If you hadn’t propped him up in Capital Rotunda, he’d be pushing up the daisies.

    He’s run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.

    This is an ex-RINO.

  6. Maybe the members of McCain’s honor guard were all exhausted from watching the damned funeral and hearing all the Creatures from Barack’s Lagoon telling lies about the body in the casket? If Missy McCain doesn’t have a ghost written book in the remainder bins in six months, I’ll be really surprised.

  7. I don’t believe the old coot’s body was ever in the box! The flag-draped casket was used strictly as a political icon at a bunch of political rallies and his putrid remains did not need to be toted all over the landscape in order for that to happen! Probably packed with a bunch of bricks and dumb ones at that!


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