John McCain: Cochran’s Tactics against Tea Party in MS Worth Emulating – IOTW Report

John McCain: Cochran’s Tactics against Tea Party in MS Worth Emulating

Big Government

One week after traveling to Mississippi to do his utmost to help Senator Thad Cochran (R) beat Tea Party rival Chris McDaniel, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) talked about the strengths he saw in Cochran’s approach to campaigning.

According to AZ Central, McCain dismissed criticism over the tactics the Republican Establishment used to get black Democrats to cross over and vote for Cochran.

Said McCain, “There are some people complaining that African-American voters voted. [But] I thought one of the major priorities of the Republican Party was to get all minority and ethnic voters out to vote for Republicans.”

He described Cochran’s “get-out-the-vote campaign” as “excellent,” then talked about how he will face similar circumstances in Arizona and needs to work equally as hard if he runs again. “The key is you’d better pay attention, you’d better work hard, you’d better organize.” He added, “And you’d better understand that there’s a strong anti-Washington/anti-incumbency sentiment out there, which is justified and you’ve got your work cut out for you.”


ht Huckleberry

13 Comments on John McCain: Cochran’s Tactics against Tea Party in MS Worth Emulating

  1. “And you’d better understand that there’s a strong anti-Washington/anti-incumbency sentiment out there, which is justified and you’ve got your work cut out for you.”

    So how does this sentence from the Mighty Manchurian Rino square with anti-inbency except it creates more.

    Burn it down!

  2. That include vote-buying and mud-slinging there Johnnie?

    You might want to get clear of your part of this campaign if a certain black reverend starts singing…

  3. McCain understands the power of voter fraud, and how the incumbency has used it to great effect to expand their control over the lives and fortunes of the citizens of this formerly great nation.

    He’s been riding the Fraud Gravy Train for decades and only mortality can remove him.

    He and Harry “The Pedophile” Reid should be buried together in the same lime pit – but the stench would nauseate the entire western US.

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