John McCain dead at 81 – IOTW Report

John McCain dead at 81

FOX News

116 Comments on John McCain dead at 81

  1. Respect the service. Didn’t respect the man. Only history will tell us if he made good or bad choices for America, but his politics and choice of bedfellows were suspect.

    Don’t want to spit on his grave like I was spit at when I came back from a certain place far west of here. But he and his buddies, John Kerry and Teddi K. sure tried to take my country away from me.

  2. I’d usually have condolences but in his case, I reserve them for those he was supposed to represent. I know my time is coming too. Just not going to use it to shit all over my country on the way. Godspeed John, although I’m not sure he is looking out for you, just like you did for your constituents.

  3. I want to state my appreciation for the distinguished and honorable service of Admirals John S McCain, Sr., and John S. McCain, Jr., during WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. These men are the only father-son graduates of the Naval Academy to become four star Admirals in the U.S. Navy. They should be long remembered as Great Americans. Their son and grandson never lived up to their greatness.

  4. This explains Linda Grahms timing in sudden agreement with Trump about Sessions and other Trump positions. Now that his ally is dead he is basically on bis own. He knew Mcain was going to be dead any moment.

  5. Will Penny: That’s always the way, ain’t it?

    Alex: What’s always the way?

    Will Penny: Let a man die, right away he’s “Good, old Claude.”

    How was he “before” he bucked out?

    Right away the shit is starting: He reached across the aisle.
    He was a distinguished Navy pilot. The great maverick. There won’t be much said about the USS Forrestal.
    “He passed surrounded by the ones he loved.” He only loved himself.
    He was a selfish, arrogant, vindictive, bastard.
    There, I said it. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  6. Want to know who comprises the deep state? Watch over the next few days and differentiate between polite condolences and those who lavish him with praise.

    Both politicians and reporters and pundits.

  7. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amem.

    So will Ducey appoint Kelli Ward or McSally or wait and appoint the runner-up from Tuesday’s primary.

  8. I can’t stand it already. Thumba Down McCain will now become a hero
    Will Penny was bang on. Switching to Netflix. Going to watch a true hero. Commandant Pat Quinlan,RIP. “The Siege of Jadotville.”

  9. Times like this are what the muted words and phrases option on Twitter are made for. I muted any tweet that mentions John McCain, Senator McCain or the McCain Family for the next seven days. Because if I have slog thru tweet after tweet about what a hero he was, I’ll be an unhappy Dianny.

  10. Jimmy August 25, 2018 at 9:23 pm

    “If you don’t have anything good to say about someone, don’t say anything at all.”


    He didn’t have anything nice to say about Trump. He did everything he could to piss Trump off, yet he did it to the American people. I have nothing good to say about the man, he got his come uppins, he can no longer hurt the American people. I’d like to see Trump campaign on his funeral day since Trump isn’t invited. So, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Too late to tell McCain that. So, I don’t have anything nice to say about McCain. So be it.


  11. Farewell and fuck you John.

    I have no idea when or why you fell out of love with your nation. But your actions point out you did. You became an agent for the forces that care not for the common, the good, the segment of the population that defines what makes America great, and singular on the face of the planet.

  12. He was a cruel and vicious man who cared only for power.
    He didn’t give two shits about his constituents.

    The last couple of years of his life his sole mission was to destroy
    DJT and to cover for decades of treasonous acts.

  13. @ Mike Brown is an American Hero “This explains Linda Grahms timing in sudden agreement with Trump about Sessions and other Trump positions. Now that his ally is dead he is basically on bis own. He knew Mcain was going to be dead any moment.”

    Interesting observation. Let see if he keeps it up.

  14. De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.

    He was a U.S. military combat veteran, so let us remember only his service, and may all of his transgressions fade from our memory, as we would also wish it for ourselves when our time has come.

    (Hand salute)

  15. All my life I’ve heard people say not to speak I’ll of the dead. Why not? It’s not like dead people can do anything about it. If they were lying, unscrupulous assholes while alive, they’ve earned no reverence or respect after they’re dead.

  16. Over the course of years that John S. McCain held political office, he was just one of an extremely few people who was placed in a position of public trust and service to this country. Did he uphold that trust and execute the finest service he could for the us, the people of this nation? No, he did not. I have nothing else to comment about him. But he did end his oath with “so help me God.” I hope for his sake he made himself right with the Lord Almighty. And that’s all I gotta say about that.

  17. Wish he had retired from politics 20 years ago. We’d all be saying what a great American hero he was. Sadly he stuck around for too long and became a part of the machine. We need term limits.

  18. Fear of reaping what I sow or karma stops me from saying I’m pleased anyone has passed away. I will only say I couldn’t take more than ten minutes of the JM3 ass kissing worship that droned on far too long on the news stations the day it was announced he had stopped medical treatment. His list of serious wrong choices, imo, was too long for that. It may be true that if you can’t say something good about someone don’t say anything, but equally you shouldn’t say good things about them that aren’t supported by their record.

  19. My sweet mother taught us boys never to say anything bad about the dead. So I won’t comment on that Rat Badstard Traitorous Piece of Shit. You think his dead ship mates will be mentioned in the next week or two? It’s a strange fucking world.

    Sorry Mom.

  20. The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but His holiness and judgment are what they are; those who die without the righteousness of Christ are damned already.

    But there is a very practical relief for a people when the wicked die and I don’t see anywhere that God begrudges us that.

  21. His bitter last thought was probably, “Outsider”.

    McCain, a spiteful, selfish narcissist who pit himself and his progressive elite cabal first.

    Nothing to mourn. Bye.

  22. Gotta tell ya, Dakota Meyers is running this ass holes dead Maverick body up the flag poll. I never thought that guy was that smart. And he just proved it. Damn shits getting twisted.

  23. The song bird flew away. I would say condolences to the family but his daughter is a big fat greasy pig and liberal never Trumper trying to disguise herself as a conservative.

  24. moe Tom August 25, 2018 at 10:47 pm

    What manner of man would dis invite the President of his country to his funeral?
    Ans. A spiteful, vindictive, whoring, bastard.
    Ans. 2 A real prick.

    In Trump’s mind he has bigger fish to fry like Mueller/Sessions/Rosenstein. Trump does not care about the dead, only about the living. McCain is out of the picture now just like Kennedy. Their power is gone, but another will take it up and the fight goes on. So, we fight on!

  25. Thumbs down on repealing Obamacare was the thing that made him the equivalent of Ted Kennedy in my eyes and his Never-Trumper vindictiveness sealed the deal. I do not subscribe to the silly notion of not speaking ill of the dead. The vile lives of certain people should serve as a warning to others.

    Final proof…someone who cared for his constituents would have stepped down a long time ago.

  26. I’d laugh like a motherfucker if Trump announces that there’s been a cure for cancer hidden by big pharma sometime this coming week.

    That, to me, would be tantamount to Trump rhetorically shoving that ‘thumbs down on Obamacare repeal’ right back up no-names ass.

    That’d be the ultimate “in your face, bitch”.

  27. Ding, dong McShitstain’s dead
    Ding dong, the wicked McShitstain’s dead.
    If you have nothing good to say, tuff shit: SAY THE TRUTH!
    Elitist, arrogant, corrupt rat bastard his entire life.

  28. It’s devastating to lose a parent, no matter how terrible a person they were. So I pray that God comforts the McCain family…

    And I do hope that McStain didn’t end up in Hell, wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I just don’t have such a good feeling about it considering what a selfish, disgusting pig he was in life.

  29. Now, let’s change the laws so people of states don’t go unrepresented for a year or more when their Senator or Representative is terminally ill and can’t show up for votes. McCain knew he was terminal and decided that retaining his stature should take precedence over the citizens of Arizona having a Senator to represent them.

  30. First I want to thank the man with the hooded cloak and sickle. Thanks for taking a power hungry man away. It`s such a shame it takes you to get rid of them. Just like Ted Kennedy being gone we can celebrate and watch America
    Farther Rise with your Demise now that you cant in any way stop it.

    BTW… We hope you REAP what you have SOWN.
    Glad your gone and soon forgotten.

  31. John McCain survived the ordeal of being a POW. Then he became a Senator and screwed the United States every day in every way he could.

    Benedict Arnold betrayed the defenses at West Point which ended up doing no damage to the US as his treachery was discovered in time to amend them. But before he did that he to was wounded in service, while arguably being responsible for the major victory at Saratoga.

    It’s an easy decision for me which is the biggest traitor.

    Good riddance.

  32. @geoff,
    Sarah is too much of a lady to say what she actually may (and being an intellegent lady probably does) think abut this domestic enemy of the United States.

  33. Forchrissakes, we had to sit through three war stories during lunch. Aaaaargh!

    OK, you were 5th from the bottom of your class. Whogivesashit?

    I was Assistant Secretary of the Navy. You can kiss my ass.

    And, no, we don’t want to see your dinghy. 👿

  34. To quote Bette Davis upon hearing of Joan Crawford’s death…

    “You should always say something good about a person who has just died. Good, she’s dead.”


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