Claim: John McCain Expected to Step Down from U.S. Senate. But will he, really? – IOTW Report

Claim: John McCain Expected to Step Down from U.S. Senate. But will he, really?

True Pundit: Sen. John McCain is not expected to return the Washington D.C. politics, according to several sources who are closely monitoring his health and medical treatments at his ranch in Arizona.

In fact, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is already in the process of selecting a candidate to run for McCain’s senate seat in a special election after McCain’s expected retirement from the Senate, sources said. Candidates were contacted this week in fact as Democrats jockey to find new blood to oppose the GOP-held seat in Arizona.

“At this point, we are coming to terms that McCain is done here (in the Senate),” one Senate insider on the Hill said Wednesday. “Preparations are underway to deal with this.”

Democrats plan to tap Mark Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, for the race, according to beltway insiders. Sources said Kelly was contacted this week with the proposal.

Just weeks ago, a White House official said McCain — known for his anti-Trump leaks to the media and his connection to the bogus Trump dossier — was refusing to step down from the Senate despite his reported stage IV brain cancer diagnosis and treatments.

Now, sources said, the GOP and Democrats are prepping for a likely special election for his Arizona senate seat. First, however, if McCain were to retire, the governor of Arizona would appoint an interim Republican to fill McCain’s seat before a special election.

That would give the GOP another vote in the Senate as McCain has been absent since Christmas. more here

32 Comments on Claim: John McCain Expected to Step Down from U.S. Senate. But will he, really?

  1. “If McCain were to retire, the governor of Arizona would appoint an interim Republican to fill McCain’s seat before a special election. That would give the GOP another vote in the Senate as McCain has been absent since Christmas.”

    This would give the GOP another vote because we had John McCain being the idiot maverick John McCain for all the years before that.

  2. Only sure way to get him to ‘step down’ is to kick his fake cast out from under him and then push him off the walkway.
    Harsh? Not for a heathen whose long career is rife with deception, personal enrichment and contempt for America. Good luck in your impending interment, Maverick. (a name better suited for a girl’s pony)

  3. If he had any decency, he would have already stepped down. So, my guess is, he’s on his death bed.

    ….and by this, I mean, he STILL won’t step down. He will hold it until he dies.

  4. I’d have to travel a bit to get to him, but I have half a mind to piss on his grave too.

    These wicked politicians have a perverse way of motivating me to stay hydrated.

  5. He will follow his hero, Ted (intern sandwich) Kennedy and die in office. Way more publicity upon death and causes the maximum harm to conservatives while still alive.

  6. I dont wish ill or death on anyone but i do hope he lives long enough to realize.just what a dirt bag he was to the people and nation he promised to serve. Rest now john because the judgement day is coming soon.

  7. Gads, he must be in dire shape to have the democRAT vultures circling overhead, deciding how to grab the leftovers. Tactful Nancy Pelosi, “Welcome back, when’s the service?” or “Are you still here?”

  8. He’ll never step down.

    He’ll be on all fours, foaming from the mouth and howling like a hell hound and Chuck You Schummer will put a leash on him to lead him to vote down the current bill that would allow Trump to drain the swamp.

    Brain cancer- I’d say that is a terrible way to go but we are talking about McCain.

  9. The Dems will lift him up big time after he sucks his last air.
    They will be raising cash at his memorial, one last gift to the dems.
    Crossing the aisle one more time.

  10. John McStain, he aint no damn hero. I buy a beer for a real hero every time I see him, 3 AK bullets and Agent Orange is killing him.
    Two Viet Nam vets I will be glad to see go, McStain and the horse faced, three months 3 Purple Hearts, never went to the hospital, asshole traitor.
    Pretty sure I will be able to bid adieu to Songbird, hope I get to piss on Scary Kerry too.
    It’s pretty sad a legacy when your picture is in the bottom of the latrine, alongside Jane.


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