John McCain hospitalized – IOTW Report

John McCain hospitalized

Washington (AFP) – US Senator John McCain, who is fighting an aggressive form of brain cancer, was in a military hospital Wednesday to treat “normal side effects” of his therapy, his office said.

The 81-year-old former prisoner of war and 2008 Republican presidential nominee was diagnosed in July with a brain tumor known as a glioblastoma, after doctors found a blood clot over his left eye during a routine checkup.

McCain underwent surgery at the time in his home state of Arizona, and has been treated with radiation and chemotherapy.

“Senator McCain is currently receiving treatment at Walter Reed Medical Center (in Bethesda, Maryland) for normal side effects of his ongoing cancer therapy,” his office said in a statement.

“As ever, he remains grateful to his physicians for their excellent care, and his friends and supporters for their encouragement and good wishes,” the statement added.

“Senator McCain looks forward to returning to work as soon as possible.”

A day earlier McCain received an MRI scan at the National Institutes of Health, also in Bethesda, his office said.

He will continue to receive targeted radiation and chemotherapy treatments at NIH “while maintaining a regular work schedule in the United States Senate,” it added.

McCain, who has been critical of President Donald Trump, proved to be a crucial vote on Trump’s effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act health law.

The veteran senator, along with two other Republicans, voted against the bill, dooming the measure in a deep embarrassment to the White House.

He is again being closely watched for his vote on the current major bill before Congress, an overhaul of the tax code.

McCain voted for the measure last month, but it is expected to come before the chamber, where Republicans hold a narrow 52-48 majority, again in the coming weeks for a vote on final passage. No Democrats are currently supporting the measure.

Should McCain’s return be delayed, prospects for the tax overhaul would narrow substantially.


SNIP: Why do people keep assuming he’d vote as a Republican? lol

34 Comments on John McCain hospitalized

  1. It’s almost as though we are all standing in line and waiting our turn.

    The years have tempered my hate knowing there is a higher source that will raise the deserving and lessen the unsuitable.

  2. We will have our moment facing death. At that moment, all that will matter is whether we’re saved or not – not the good and bad we’ve done. Like many of you, I’m reserving my digs at McCain at this time. When he’s gone, his record will speak for itself.

    I’ll go ‘sit next to Mom’ now.

  3. Don’t believe it. He doesn’t want anything to get passed.

    His buddy Schumer said no bills until Jones is seated and this is just a gift to his friends across the aisle.

    If he dies, I’ll gladly say I’m wrong. Because the only thing I know for certain is that Dossier McCain is a lying, deceitful turncoat.

  4. McStain wants to make another heralded grand entrance to applause having narrowly defeated death once again so he can give another “thumbs down” to PRESIDENT Trump and all the Americans who put him in the White House and not his soggy, sorry ass!

  5. Anon: dangit. As my ole grandpappy used to say, “the less one makes declarative statemens, the less apt one is to lok foolish in retrospect.”

    Ducey should then. Interim replacement and a get well soon card for John.

    Watch a miraculous recovery.

  6. I hope he has a peaceful exit … and takes HRC with him … he’ll need some kind of fat gas-bag to float him across the Styx – he’s too cheap to pay Charon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. How much is McCain worth? As a looooooongterm Senator, his healthcare bennies are without equal. Beside all that, his career of good work should be enough to get him the best treatment available nationwide.
    So why is he hogging up time at a military hospital that should go to veterans that have actually served this country well?!!
    Go to a public health clinic, you self-serving, anti-American jackass!

  8. When the going gets tough…..

    …….the tough get admitted to the hospital to take the target off their backs.

    And could someone please quietly inform the illustrious Senator from Arizona
    that his hospital gowns tie in the back?

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